Italy 24 Press News

Juve’s youth sector is waiting for him

The Editorial Team Thursday, June 27, 2024, 7:50 PM

After 21 years, they part ways Genoa and of Michael Sbravati. For the manager, this is an unmissable opportunity: his arrival at the company is imminent. Juventus. After having dealt with the rossoblù youth sector, he will soon begin to take an interest in the juventus one. The news has been known for weeks now, but today the Ligurian club made the separation official with what is considered one of the best performers in such a delicate role

Hurry up, goodbye Genoa: now there’s Juve

This is the official statement published by Genoa on their website: “After 21 years together our paths separate. In this long journey, the foundations have been laid to create a solid structure and start a constant growth of the youth sector and the football school, to the point of competing at the highest levels with multiple teams in the national championships. Looking back over time we only feel joy and gratitude for the unforgettable moments we experienced together. Thank you Michele for the work and time you dedicated to Genoa, with best wishes for your personal and professional future“.

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