Italy 24 Press News

LBA MARKET – Varese, the GMs on the Nico Mannion situation and other renewals

Zach Sogolow e Max HorowitzGM of the Varese Basketball, spoke to the press after the announcement of the first signing of this summer transfer market, that of Justin Gray. The first issue addressed is that relating to Italians and in particular Nico Mannion. “We are working for all the players on the market, not only foreigners but also Italians. We take the players that we think are functional to the system. We have many Italian players on the notebook, we have had and are having many conversations with emerging Italian players. For us, Mannion is an important part of the team, we are waiting for his decision. This morning we also spoke with Nico together with Herman Mandole: he wanted to know more about Gray, so today he feels part of the team for next year. For now, however, he is focused on Italy and for now we are not pushing to have a definitive answer. We already have several Italian players: Mannion, Assui, Okeke, Librizzi, Virginio and Okeke. We will certainly continue to look for alternatives”.

The future of McDermott and Brown. “They are two connected situations. We are making evaluations on the market and on them depending on how to build the team. To date we have not yet decided. We have spoken with their agents in recent weeks but to date nothing has been defined yet. We need to grow in some of our team’s game situations, such as the defense, which was too poor for us.”

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