Italy 24 Press News

«This Administration is writing the darkest chapter in the history of Amet»

«After having extinguished, in the literal sense of the word, the LIGHT of Trani, that light that everyone, in Italy and Europe, envied us, with a fake Consip tender and in full awareness that Amet would never have been able to participate as it was the successful tenderer also requested the header of the invoice for the electricity consumption of the lighting poles which for Amet is prohibited by Arera for being a distributor of the networks, yesterday we witnessed yet another theft against Amet and the city of Trani.

The Neapolitan dealer, skilled in the three-card monte, convinced his 21 councilors to vote to leave the port of Trani in private hands rather than to Amet. I am told that voting against the proposed resolution would have given comfort and fertile ground to the opposition. But yesterday’s game was not supposed to produce a winner.

Today we have only one loser: the city of Trani, the people of Trani and that poor man
Natuzzi who, even today, despite the unfortunate situation of the docks, continues to moor his majestic vessel only because he is in love with the unique and inimitable beauty of the port of Trani.

I wonder but in addition to the political squabbles, haven’t you thought about the consequences on the city of Trani, on the future prospect of Amet in causing Amet and the Darsena employees to lose yet another service.

What will the port of Trani be like when the successful tenderer, Mr. C. or company F, do with the Darsena and the Port of Trani what they want and only with the specific intent of exploiting the greatest personal profit from their business.

The example of Public Lighting sold to third parties, to a company subjected to Anti-Mafia investigations in Sicily and to a Bitonto company (?) for management in Trani with only two workers who were not qualified for the service, was not enough to understand the the impossibility of being able to act for the good of the people of Trani.

Next week our beloved Mayor will bring home his third victory against Amet on paid parking. The new parking project presented to the Municipality of Trani envisages innovative interventions on urban mobility in full compliance with European regulations on air pollution and the sustainability of urban traffic and the new paid parking will constitute a complementary and subsidiary service of the TPL (= public transport Local) in the sense that anyone who leaves their car in the interchange areas will also be able to use the city bus for the entire time with the same ticket (example of the tricolor arrows). And in all of this the net profit (no longer 20% of the EBITDA as today) was in the
coffers of the Municipality of Trani.

In this project presented the Municipality found nitpicks and for the decision on admissibility the Amet/Mayor duel was postponed to the headquarters of the Puglia Region where the managers of the transport section will not be able to give their binding opinion but only refer it to the sole political will for the feasibility of the aforementioned project.

So Amet, this time too, will lose yet another service due to the express political will of this Administration. Fortunately, the Public Transport service will expire in 2026 when Amedeo will have finished his mandate in this city and with the new mayor (if I were to still remain in Amet – but I don’t think so after this article) it will be possible to plan a series of interventions aimed at mobility not only urban but also, and above all, extra-urban with the municipalities of our province, with the creation of a mechatronic hub that will allow buses to have a space for repairs a few kilometers away without going all the way to Bari (like today), create those interchange parking lots like the Amet project (under consideration by the Municipality) and which will constitute, then and not today, an innovation, a creation of new jobs and a highly qualitative service within the BAT province.

Ah, I forgot: dear Amedeo, the video surveillance service still needs to be removed from Amet and, perhaps, you can also sell the distribution concession so you can have the profits that you are currently losing from the discontinued services. And then since you are there, put the 70 families of employees on the street as well as those from the dock and the dock, demolish the historic Amet building so you can create more parking spaces for your future friends from the dock and the nearby dock.”

A citizen of Trani, Angelo Nigretti

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