Italy 24 Press News

From Bignardi to Cristoforetti: the first guests of the Contemporary Thinking Festival

Although the complete program is still being prepared, on the afternoon of Thursday 27 June – in the council room of Palazzo Mercanti – a “small taste” of what will be the second edition of the Festival of Contemporary Thinkingwhich after last year’s success will return to Piacenza from 19 to 23 September 2024.
Themes, themes, but above all the first guests already certain and those still uncertain: the second edition of the Festival, the organization of which has been entrusted to Theater Foundation of Piacenza on the occasion of the 220th anniversary of the Municipal Theatre, will be called “Experiencing wonder, between amazement and fear“.

more than 50 meetings and over 100 guests

Under construction, more than 50 meetings with over 100 guests: dialogues, interviews, practical lessons of thought and widespread philosophical concerts will help deepen the debate on the contemporary to relearn how to think and bring wonder within us. An initiative by Piacenza Culture Network and edited, like the first edition, by Alessandro Fusacchiasupported by the philosophical director Andrea Colamedici. From Thursday 19th to Monday 23rd September, Piacenza will once again become a “thinking city” and offer opportunities for in-depth study with important Italian and international guests, to explore, learn about and discover the wonder, the amazement in the face of immensity and variety of the world around us, and the fear that sometimes comes from it and which must be faced with clarity.

The guests

They will be at the Festival to explore the possibilities of the contemporary astronaut Samantha Cristoforettithe Slovenian deputy prime minister Port Moonthe writer, journalist and press and communications advisor to the presidency of the Italian Republic John GrassoWriter Paolo Giordano with Mix Ensemble, the writer, philologist and translator Björn Larssonthe scientist and popularizer Stefano Mancusothe writer, journalist and television host Daria Bignardithe writer Donatella di Pietrantoniothe author and science journalist Ananyo Bhattacharyathe journalist, writer and radio host Loredana Lipperinithe historian, author and television presenter Michela Ponzanithe internationally renowned glaciologist specializing in the study of glaciers and climate change Heïdi Sevestrethe sociologist and one of the most important international scholars of technofeminism Judy Wayjcmanthe translator and writer Paul Norithe writer Chiara Valeriothe co-founder of Arduino Massimo Banzithe singer-songwriter, actress and director Margaret Vicariothe experimental physicist among the discoverers of gravitational waves Eugenio Cocciathe philosopher and essayist Gino Roncagliaone of the most important European voices on Libya Mary Fitzgeraldthe writer and screenwriter Francesco PiccoloWriter Paul of Paulthe translator and sociolinguist True Ghenor, the journalist and head of the economics and foreign editorial staff of La7 news Frediano Finuccithe G7 communications chief Antonio Derudathe vice-president of the “Commission nationale du débat public” established by President Macron Ilaria Casillothe best-selling writer Francesca Cavallothe soloist of the Royal Ballet of London Giacomo Roverothe president of Elettricità Futura Agostino Re Rebaudengothe former Speaker of the House Luciano Violantethe Economist Stefano Zamagnithe rapper, songwriter and producer Dargen D’Amicothe Italian musical group The List Representative.

Ideas and suggestions, which will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee, can be sent to [email protected] by Friday 5 July.


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