Italy 24 Press News

“He persecuted her in every way. Anna has been through terrible days”

“I believe there was some method in this persecution of Anna. He stalked her in every way, he wanted to drive her crazy. He used her children for purposes of exchange, he mocked her in front of everyone. Including the judges. I spent hours with her at the telephone: I told her to stay in Innsbruck, not to return to Modena because I feared what then, unfortunately, happened. I suggested she take a year off from specialization but she felt guilty towards her colleagues for herself, she was afraid that he might harm the children.”

Davide Calanca, Giulio’s brother and close friend of Anna Sviridenko, the 40-year-old mother and doctor brutally murdered by her husband, Andrea Paltrinieri, last June 10, returned from Belarus in the past few hours. Davide, who together with his wife, one of the victim’s best friends, had found a home in Anna, in San Felice, explains how the suspect had been doing everything he could to persecute the victim and make her life impossible. On the very day of the murder, we recall, the murderer and his ex-wife had attended a hearing in Innsbruck, where the court was supposed to decide on the ways in which the two children should stay with their father, in Modena, and with the victim, in Austria. Immediately after Anna’s murder, the Innsbruck court issued an order declaring the cessation of the material dispute due to the victim’s death, inviting the maternal grandparents to file a request for custody of the minors, the Innsbruck court being competent in this regard. (the children live in Austria). The Modena court issued a sentence at the same time, declaring the cessation of the subject of the dispute for Anna’s death, given the strictly personal matter, sending to the Juvenile Court and to social services for all the provisions necessary for the protection of the minors. The Juvenile Court, in a very short time, issued a provision of temporary entrustment of the minors to social services, being partially incompetent because the competent court is precisely that of Innsbruck. In short, while they are trying to protect as much as possible the two orphans of femicide and the investigations of the Carabinieri continue, new disturbing truths emerge about the terrible femicide. “I met Andrea six years ago, when Anna came to us, in San Felice announcing that they were getting married. Shortly after, everything went downhill and he, accusing Anna of not having fulfilled his dreams because of him, returned to Modena. He had been driving her crazy for a long time: he controlled her because his only goal was to prove that Anna worked for six months a year in Italy – continues Calanca. This would have allowed him to insist on transferring the children’s residence to Modena, who in the meantime he had fraudulently enrolled in school. Anna, in fact, had not signed anything – he explains again. – He had such a grudge against her that no one can explain it. He even kept calling the hospital in Carpi, asking for her and pretending that the children had hurt themselves. We had spoken to her on Monday 10th June, in the morning – concludes Calanca – and the next day we learned that what was our biggest nightmare had happened: her murder. I would like only one thing; that there was no talk of a sudden fit of rage because it has nothing to do with what happened”.

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