Italy 24 Press News

Davide Nicola ever closer to the Cagliari bench

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(ANSA) – CAGLIARI, JUNE 27 – Davide Nicola is getting ever closer: between tomorrow and Saturday the official announcement could arrive from Cagliari and Empoli regarding the arrival of the new coach in Sardinia. The agreement between the rossoblù club and the coach is already there: a two-year contract is ready with the option for a third. Also included in the 4-5 million package is the Tuscan central defender Luperto, called to replace Dossena, who moved to Como for eight million plus bonuses. Also greeting Viola, the rossoblu top scorer last season with five goals: he should go to Pisa in Serie B. Cagliari, after the renewals of Pavoletti and Kingstone, are meanwhile trying to extend Luvumbo’s contract. Nicola’s arrival could bring about a turning point in the Cagliari transfer market, which is still at a standstill for the moment even if manager Bonato is already at work. After the departures of Oristanio, Petagna and Shomurodov, the rossoblù club is looking first and foremost for a striker. And, also considering the fact that Atalanta would be interested in Makoumbou, the company could start negotiations to bring Piccoli to Sardinia, last season on loan at Lecce, but owned by the Bergamo club. We also like Zortea, right winger always for Atalanta, until last June at Frosinone. Nzola from Fiorentina is also among the dreams even if the Angolan seems not only out of budget, but also destined for the Turkish championship. Lapadula is liked in B in Pisa, Palermo, Cesena. For Radunovic there are requests at home and in the academy. The young Primavera Idrissi could also go to jn B, on loan to Modena. (HANDLE).

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