Italy 24 Press News

“We ask for explanations” – Luna Notizie – Latina News

LATINA – The Municipality of Latina has decided not to renew its membership to “Avviso Pubblico”, the Association founded in 1996 to bring together public administrators who are committed to promoting the culture of democratic legality and to applying the principles of transparency, impartiality, discipline and honor provided for by Articles 54 and 97 of the Constitution. The reason for the choice lies in the cost of the fee, increased from 1200 to 1700 euros.

A decision that did not please the Libera Latina garrison. “We ask for explanations and clarifications on the matter, not considering the economic motivation alone adequate – write the activists of the garrison named after Lia Pipitone in a note -. What are the political reasons for this choice? Can a Municipality like Latina – affected over the years and in its recent history by corruption, by the presence of criminal organizations, by facts and acts of corruption but also, as is made even more evident in particular in these days, by phenomena such as gangmastering and the presence of agro-mafias – unilaterally choose to no longer join an association, that of “Avviso Pubblico”, which among other things can be a fundamental tool for civil education, awareness and promotion of legality?”.

The institution’s decision arrived at the beginning of the month with resolution no. 159 of 06/06/2024, on the proposal of the manager Dr. Manuela Zuffarieri (Head of Department III – General Affairs, Personnel), following the direction of the Personnel Councilor Andrea Chiarato, with which the municipal council communicates the unilateral choice to withdraw from the association “Public Notice, Local Authorities and Regions for civil training” specifying that the choice is due to the increase in the membership fee.

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