Italy 24 Press News

anti-Semitic chants and insults, this is who the young FdI women who resigned are

The first heads are rolling among the young people of Brothers of Italy. The second episode of the Fanpage investigation overwhelms the militants of National Youth, the “spring team” of the party of Giorgia Meloni, protagonists – in videos shot without their knowledge – of anti-Semitic and racist insults and phrases in which they glorify Nazism. Until the laughter against the Jewish and Melonian senator Esther Mielifirst welcomed by those kids in a club and then denigrated. Too much, in short, to let it go.

“As I have said many times, and I repeat, I think that those who have racist, anti-Semitic or nostalgic feelings have simply got their home wrong because these feelings are incompatible with Brothers of Italy.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this at the end of the EU summit.


So apart from the unanimous solidarity with the senator, less than 24 hours after the screening of the investigation at the Monk in Rome and in line with the hard punch anticipated by FdI, the militants resign Flaminia Peace ed Elisa Segnini. Measures invoked by all the oppositions who however condemn the “guilty silence” of the Prime Minister and leader of FdI. To the point of asking for a stop to National Youth: «It is a neo-fascist organization and must be dissolved», Peppe De Cristofaro of Avs remarks in the Senate. The target is therefore Flaminia Pace, secretary of a Roman club of National Youth and photo on Facebook with Meloni. On 21 June he leaves the position he has held for a year in the National Youth Council, an independent and consultative body of the Prime Minister’s office. He laughed at Mieli: «The best thing was yesterday taking the piss… about the swastikas and then me making the press release of solidarity with Ester Mieli…», he says, referring to the controversies that arose in April after a journalist asked Mieli if she was Jewish.

The Fanpage investigation

Elisa Segnini was head of the secretariat of Ylenja Lucaselli, group leader of FdI in the Chamber Budget commission and, Fanpage reports, former candidate for the Bergamo city council with FdI. In the video she defines herself as “racist and fascist” and she attacks MEP Ilaria Salis (“I’m going to Budapest and telling Orban that Ilaria Salis must rot in prison with mice and rats eating her feet”). In the embarrassment and cold that envelops the Melonians in Parliament, aware that it is time to deal with that reality, comes the party’s reprimand. Through Ignazio La Russa who, as president of the Senate and colonel of FdI, sympathizes with Mieli “victim of unacceptable phrases by some militants of Gioventù nazionale”, drawing a clear line with respect to the values ​​of the party. And then the president of the deputies Tommaso Foti who shouts to reporters: “In FdI those who make mistakes pay, don’t worry”.

Actually, at the moment, it’s on Segini that the axe fell directly, since she leaves a political role. For Pace, there is no trace of farewell or expulsion from Gioventù nazionale and FdI, of which – it is deduced from the opposition – she has both membership cards. Her resignation is from a public body established by law and in which she was elected as a member of the FdI youth. Furthermore, as the Council specified, they were the ones who asked her to step down with a resolution of June 17, after the first episode of the Fanpage investigation in which Pace was seen and “considering this very serious and in clear violation of all our values ​​and principles”, they underline. Four days later, Pace sends the letter of resignation. The founder and minister Guido Crosetto also distances himself from insults and offenses: “In FdI there can be no room for people, words and thoughts like those I have heard. Immediate measures must be taken”. And the most direct to ask for them is another historical ‘patriot’ like Fabio Rampelli, writing that “it is the party that must dismiss them”. “Deeply disappointed” is the deputy Chiara Colosimo, because “what we have seen – she explains – does not represent us”. Condemnations also from the PD for insults that were also directed at the secretary Elly Schlein after – Fanpage then writes in the online newspaper – Pace shared the hope of a militant to “see her impaled”.


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