Italy 24 Press News

a life of giving smiles

He provided an infinite number of smiles, or rather real laughter, so much so that in recent months even the Region wanted to give him recognition for his sense of humor and the presence of mind with which he entertained more than one generation, but today he has won a smiling is difficult. Cepagatti in particular, but all of Abruzzo, mourn the passing of Valerio Basilavecchia. Comedian by passion, he had worked for 42 years in Coldiretti and had been councilor of “his” Cepagatti: he was 76 years old.

There are many messages of condolence full of humanity that are addressed to him by those who knew him, starting with the comedian ‘Nduccio who on his social page announces the passing of his friend.

“Fighter and warrior until the end, you have always surprised and amazed by your great strength and immense courage. Unfortunately, the sad news did not take us by surprise. You have finished suffering and fighting, you have thrown in the towel to put yourself back in the arms of the Our Father – he writes -. May heaven grant you the brightest light as we thank the Lord for giving us your presence thus far. Heaven is celebrating your arrival with immense laughter. Valerio you will always be alive in our memories and in the hearts of those who loved you.”

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Even the social groups of Cepagatti mourn his passing and want to remember him. “With immense pain we announce the passing of our fellow citizen Valerio Basilavecchia. Our community loses another illustrious citizen, a man who gave so much to Cepagatti and who was always present in all the events of our town”, we read in that “Cepagatti News”.

“Valerio was a tireless organizer and promoter of the San Donato festival, an event that he always animated with great passion. Furthermore, together with Mario Morelli, he created the comic duo ‘Mario e Valerio niente di serio’ bringing around all of Abruzzo a show of jokes and sketches that entertained young and old. In recent years, Valerio has been a point of reference in the selection of Miss Adriatico in various towns in Abruzzo, as well as here in Cepagatti”, continues the long post with which they want to give him the right tribute.

“His dedication and commitment have made our Cepagatti known and appreciated not only in Abruzzo, but also beyond the borders of our region. With the loss of Valerio, Cepagatti loses another great piece that contributed to making our community great. Hi Valerio, and thank you for everything you left us all.”

“We learn with great regret the news of the passing of dear Valerio Basilavecchia. A great loss for the community and for this committee – writes the Cepagatti Party Committee -. His narrative voice has always accompanied one of the most important events for us, the float parade. We will do our best to ensure that this year the event is even more beautiful, precisely in honor of him. We feel strongly about the pain of his loved ones.”

Many messages with personal memories of Basilavecchia whose memory will remain in the heart of the entire community. The artist leaves his wife Patrizia and his children Giovanni and Anna. The funeral chapel has been set up in the hospice of Torrevecchia Teatina (Ch). The funeral will take place tomorrow, Friday 28 June, in Cepagatti at 3 pm at the church of Santa Lucia behind the Tower. No flowers, but good works, as stated in the funeral announcement.

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