Italy 24 Press News

EU, armored agreement: green light for appointments. Italy in opposition

BRUSSELS — The European Council has given the green light to the appointments and Giorgia Meloni remains isolated: she abstained on Ursula von der Leyen and voted against the socialist Antonio Costa and the liberal Kaja Kalla. This is how centre-right Italy finds itself in opposition in the EU. Out of the command center and marginalized.
“On the appointments there is broad convergence on these three names…”, the President of the European Council began late in the evening, Charles Michelopening the debate on the highest institutional positions of the Union. Thus confirming the “package” announced in recent days: Von der Leyen, Costa and Kallas. The pact between the Popular, Social and Liberals was therefore not affected by the opposition of the “right” front made up of Italy, Hungary and Slovakia. No substantial openness to alternatives, only formal willingness to discuss the applications.

A polite way to explain to Giorgia Meloni that she can express her opinion on these proposals but there is a majority and it resists. And she is not capable of forming a blocking minority capable of stopping the process. The discussion, in fact, did take place. It started after 10 pm. The first part was dedicated to “Strategic Agenda”the legislative program based on three pillars: Economy, Defense and Democracy. A document prepared by Von der Leyen and extensively amended by Germany and France, the countries that once again played their part in the fundamental choices of the EU. To understand how the Italian Prime Minister’s agitations were welcomed in the Europa Bulding, just take the comment released during the summit by a diplomat of the Council: “Meloni is now the only obstacle that separates us from the possibility of going to sleep early”.


In short, the game was over, the prime minister could only delay the decision. Popolari themselves approached the summit trying to sugarcoat the pill. «No decision will be taken without Italy», said the EPP “negotiator”, the Polish prime minister Tusk. Implying that the decision would officially be taken during the European Council. But without considering the possibility of changing the candidacies. And in fact Meloni did not take it well. During the first part of the meeting she remained silent. And when Michel opened the debate, everything changed. Von der Leyen and Kallas (currently Estonian Prime Minister) left the room to avoid any form of conflict of interest. The hope that the “Package” would be approved with the usual silent consent mechanism vanished in an instant. Meloni: “I’m not in.”

Only the Hungarian partially sided with her Orbán (who voted against von del Leyen, in favor of Costa and abstained on Kallas): «European voters have been deceived. We do not support this shameful agreement.” The French president, Emmanuel Macron, defended the choices. The tenant of the Elysée, moreover, has always tried to close the game before the elections which will take place in his country next Sunday. He also made it known that he wanted to confirm the current commissioner, Thierry Bretonasking to also entrust him with an executive vice-presidency. A role that at this point will be difficult for Italy to conquer. Also on his side is the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz. The German position has not changed. Even in the pre-summit with the Socialists, Scholz had warned: «There can be no collaboration with ECR» and therefore not even with Meloni. Words that decidedly annoyed Palazzo Chigi. «We cannot go beyond the agreement with the EPP and Renew – he insisted – we must ensure that this agreement holds. We cannot leave spaces that allow others to slip in». And even more explicitly after the green light: «I firmly believe that it is positive that the parties that belong to the right-wing populist families are not in the agreement». The Chancellor also promised to make an attempt to broaden the majority to the Greens: «But it will not be easy».

In fact, with Macron they are organizing a negotiation to get the environmentalists to vote for Ursula in Parliament. Their 50 votes would protect the coalition from snipers. For the President of the Commission, in fact, the final test will be in Strabourg on July 18. And she will have to look for a buffer share of consensus. And she gave Meloni a little something: «It is very important for me to work in the Council with Italywith all the other States, is a principle that I have always followed.”

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