Italy 24 Press News

Savona. Literary fiction competition: ‘Women’s Steps and Journeys’

The non-profit Association “Renzo Aiolfi”, Savona, as the publishing house of the magazine “Pigmenti Cultura”, through its Women’s Section, together with the Provincial Women’s Council of Savona and with the Patronage of the Province of Savona, announces the new “female” narrative competition 2024-2025 entitled: ‘Passi e viaggi di Donne’.
1) Participation in the Competition entails acceptance of all the rules of this regulation.
2) Those who have reached the age of 18 on the date of publication of this announcement are eligible to participate.
3) The competition is divided into a single narrative section: unpublished themed story in Italian. For writers of different nationalities
It is required that your story be presented in Italian.
Maximum length: 3 folders of 26 lines per folder, typewritten and sent via email.
Each participant will be able to send only one story. The works must be original, the result of personal elaboration and unpublished (never published by a regular publishing house and not published on blogs, sites, social networks).
Each author is responsible for his/her own work, exempting the organizers from any liability and, unless expressly prohibited in writing, any publication is considered authorized.
4) Participation and registration to the Competition requires the payment of €10.00 for organizational expenses to be supported by the Association
Cultural “R. Aiolfi” which can be made via bank transfer with the IBAN code IT25E0200810602000104072575 – Unicredit –
Savona indicating in the reason for payment “Participation in the “Passi e Viaggi di Donne” fiction competition
5) The works, together with the receipt of the bank transfer for registration, must be delivered only by sending an email to [email protected], with the subject: Secretariat – Fiction Competition “Passi e Viaggi di Donne”, indicating the author’s personal details, address, date of birth, email and telephone number.
6) The deadline for sending the works is December 30, 2024 7) The works received will not be returned, inviting participants to
keep a copy. The organizers, while ensuring the utmost care in the care and conservation of the works, decline all responsibility for losses, thefts or damages of any kind that may occur before, during or after the announced event.
8) The names of the members of the Jury will be made known through the Facebook site and the blogspot of the Association “R. Aiolfi” three months after the
announcement of the competition. The Jury will be composed of a maximum of 7 members representing the Competition Organizers.
9) The Jury will choose the winning story, the second and third place by 30 April 2025, reserving the right to award a special mention to other texts deemed worthy. The choice of the prize-winning texts will be the exclusive responsibility of the Jury, whose judgment will be unquestionable and unappealable. The results will be communicated by letter or e-mail to the authors selected by the Jury.
10) The winning story will be awarded the following prize: **Publication in the magazine issue “Pigments Culture” in December 2025, illustrated by an artist selected and commissioned by theAssociation “R. Aiolfi” at his sole discretion.
The stories that are the second and third winners will be awarded a souvenir parchment.
The authors of the three winning stories will also receive a work of art selected by the Aiolfi Association. The Jury may select, at its sole discretion, other stories to dedicate a special mention to. A special certificate of participation will be issued to all participants. The three winners will be invited to attend, also via connection
online, if they wish, at a session of the Provincial Women’s Council of Savona on a date that will be communicated as soon as available, where essential passages of the winning stories will be read and/or they will be able to participate in the presentation of the issue of “Pigments Culture” in December 2025, with the date and location to be communicated as soon as available. On both occasions, no reimbursement will be made for travel, accommodation or other expenses.
11) Participation and sending of works automatically implies being aware that the personal data indicated will be subject to computer or manual processing solely for the purposes of the initiative promoted and the rights recognized by the Legislative Decree. 196/2003 and following. changes with the consequent authorization to process personal data and the authorization to the organisation, in the event of awarding the prize, to disseminate (via radio, television, computer networks, social networks and so on), the name, surname, the title of the work, the province of residence of the competitors.
Information Associazione R. Aiolfi, Via P. Boselli 6/3, 17100-Savona. Opening hours: Wednesday, 10am-12pm, Thursday, 4pm-6pm. Tel. 3356762773 – [email protected]

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