Italy 24 Press News

show cooking by Carla Brigliadori, the history of Mortadella, buskers and much more

The second and last weekend of the Forlimpopoli Artusiana Festival is approaching and the protagonists are Mortadella and Carla Brigliadori’s show cooking. In fact, on Friday at 7pm, for the series of meetings Aperitivo a Corte, Casa Artusi hosts “Tales and tastings of mortadella”, from the word to the global success of a product known simply as “Bologna”, the city, the origin, the place that becomes the name and flag of Italian quality in the world. With Chiara Murru we delve into curiosities and themes linked to the etymology of the word and then discover the secrets and flavors in a guided tasting of Mortadella Bologna PGI in its various declinations. Products and words that travel with Italians around the world building that Italianness recognized and appreciated by all. With Chiara Murru (University for Foreigners of Siena), Augusto Cosimi (Consorzio Mortadella Bologna PGI), presents Mattia Fiandaca (gastronomer Casa Artusi). At 8pm in Piazza Pompilio the cooking show by Carla Brigliadori of the Chef to Chef Emilia-Romagna cooks Association.

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At 6pm at the Archaeological Museum “T. Aldini” the guided tour with aperitif “Renaissances of taste” organized by ArkeoGustus and Atlantide soc. coop. A pleasant walk along the walkways of the Rocca Ordelaffa to discover the historical vocation of the city of Forlimpopoli for the valorisation of the products of its land, and to discover how the profession of the court chef was born and, to crown the experience, a laid table, where you can taste the delicious delicacies recreated from the recipes of the chefs of the Renaissance courts. For this event, booking is required and a participation fee of 15 euros full and 12 euros reduced. For information and reservations: 337 118 [email protected] From 8pm to 10pm, the Sala Bertozzi in Piazza Fratti hosts the exhibition “Mattoncinoteca on display!” By Heath4Children APS. At 8pm the Fossato della Rocca will host the children’s show “Trash and cleaners” on the children’s stage, organized by the Teatro delle Forchette. Show that combines physical theatre, pantomime, clowning and live music, in a crescendo of rhythm and madness. With Marlon Banda. Finally at 9.45pm the Piazza Fratti Arena offers live music with Malibù in concert, organized by the Teatro delle Forchette. And throughout the evening there will be entertainment in the streets with the buskers, the Compagnia Begherè with Fuori dalla suitcase and Enrico Marconi with Dusty blues.

Every evening at Artusiana

Casa Artusi hosts the exhibition “Gusto! Italians at the table: 1970-2050” by M9 – Museo del ‘900 Venezia Mestre edited by Massimo Montanari and Laura Lazzaroni. A journey to tell how the relationship between Italians and food has changed profoundly in recent decades, with a decisive paradigm shift between the traditional image of national cuisine and an increasingly complex, segmented and contradictory relationship of a country that is is transforming its habits, consumption and social composition. Appointment also with “Discover Casa Artusi”: every evening from 6pm to 11pm there are guided tours of the Church of the Servi, the Gastronomic Library, the Archive of Pellegrino Artusi’s personal correspondence and Artusi’s studio, the Cooking School and above all the museum spaces dedicated to Pellegrino Artusi, unanimously considered the father of modern Italian cuisine. Extraordinary evening openings at the Church of Carmine, a small architectural jewel from the 17th century and a treasure chest of art treasures, normally closed to the public. On the occasion of the festival and thanks to the collaboration of the Parish of San Ruffillo and the parishioners it will be possible to visit it and appreciate its beauty .

There is also the “Ritrovamenti” exhibition, a personal exhibition by Cristian Cimatti, a visionary and difficult to label sculptor, Cristian Cimatti – who from 2020 to 2023 was also curator of the “Roccambolesca” event in Meldola – transforms ceramics, metals and organic parts into ‘pungent’ works, which propose different points of view and arouse contrasting sensations in the observer. The vault of the Fabbri Pharmacy, Piazza Garibaldi hosts the “Ontological exhibition of the friends of art association of Forlimpopoli”. The walkways of the Rocca Albornoziana host “The family trees of the families of Forlimpopoli” curated by the Amici della Pieve Association. Every evening “A casa di Paola” is open in via Costa 22, an original and versatile space in which you can breathe the atmospheres of others times. A place of art that is at the same time an exhibition gallery and an old-time workshop. The “Bertozzi House Museum” also opens its doors – the Art and Documentation Center in via Massi 58 where the sculptor Mario Bertozzi was born and lived there until the age of 92 – and the Guzzi Brunelli Collection, the Moto Guzzi museum in via Roma 32.

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