Italy 24 Press News

“The Teramo League is alive and wants to grow further”

TERAMO. “The Teramo League is alive and wants to grow further after the good results in the latest electoral, regional, administrative and European rounds. In this sense, the contact and discussion initiated in the provincial territory immediately proved useful and fruitful and is destined to determine a new push for further growth. The recent competitions have conveyed the image of a strong party also thanks to the great team work of the base and the leadership carried out in recent years”.

Thus Sabrina Bocchino, former regional councilor and recently appointed vice secretary of the Abruzzo Leaguewho in his role as provincial commissioner of the party in Teramo met in recent days, at the headquarters of the Carroccio, the base and the leadership of the party in the first discussion for the relaunch of the League.

“I thank the management who in this first meeting demonstrated the enthusiasm that will allow us to work together towards a single direction – adds Bocchino -, immediately making himself available to give a new impetus to the party which remains firmly a driving force in the centre-right, in the Region as in the Municipalities”.

“Among many others I would like to thank the former regional councilor Pietro Quaresimale, now councilor of Campli after being elected councilor on 8 and 9 June last and where he has already held the role of mayor in the past – Bocchino continues -. I want to highlight the Quaresimale experience because it gives a sense of what it means, concretely, to put oneself at the service of the party and the community: with attachment to the shirt and humility, qualities that have always distinguished the great team of the League, after having brought home approximately 6 thousand votes in the regional elections on March 10th, he did not lose heart and, faced with people’s requests, he took to the field again and now his skills and professionalism are available to the beautiful and productive community of Campli. I also thank Simona Cardinali, another regional councilor renominated but not elected despite a great result, who was unable to participate in this first meeting but who will certainly be present on future occasions”, concludes Sabrina Bocchino.

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