Italy 24 Press News

Weather Florence 28 – 29 -30 June 2024

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“After so much bad weather, the North is finally experiencing a truce which, however, will not last long. The weekend will in fact see the return of some showers or thunderstorms, even strong ones, in the Alps, Piedmont and Lombardy, in particular on Saturday evening when local hailstorms, storms and thunderstorms cannot be ruled out.
wind” – this is confirmed by meteorologist Edoardo Ferrara who continues – “in the rest of Italy conditions are stable and mostly sunny, even if the skies may at times be clouded again both by the passage of medium-high clouds , more or less extensive, but once again also
by the Saharan dust blown by the winds coming from the Algerian desert.”

PEAKS OF OVER 35-37°C – “Precisely the warm North African currents that will fuel the anticyclone will cause temperatures to soar again, particularly in the Centre-South” – warns Ferrara of – “peaks of over 34-34°C are expected between Saturday and Sunday 35°C in internal areas far from the sea,
up to peaks of 38°C in the South and close to 40°C in Sicily. Less hot in the North, although peaks of 32-33°C can still be exceeded, but with accentuated sultriness in the Po Valley, Liguria and in general along the coastal sectors of the Peninsula”.

NEW STORM BREAK – “Everything will change next Monday, with July starting with unstable weather. In fact, an Atlantic disturbance will strike Italy, bringing scattered showers and thunderstorms probably for 3-4 days, moving from the North towards the Centre-South. Local storms, flooding, hailstorms and gusts of wind will be possible. All accompanied by a general drop in temperatures, even by more than 6-8°C in the Centre-North. On the fringes of the cyclonic action will most likely be the Major Islands and in particular Sicily, which instead would need precious rainfall given the serious drought currently afflicting the island and beyond.”

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