Italy 24 Press News

FTS Emilia Romagna – Spokesperson Alberto Alberani confirmed as head of the Forum

The assembly of the Third Sector Forum of Emilia-Romagna took place on 25 June 2024, where the The spokesperson for the next few years will be Alberto Alberanioutgoing spokesperson, and the Coordination composed of 10 people: Babini Magda AUSER, Bentivogli Barbara ANFFAS, Boni Elena CSI, Brunetti Francesca AICS, Carvin Roberto ANPAS, Cargnel Marta CNCA, Drei Davide C CI/Federsolidarietà, Maisto Massimo ARCI, Pagliari Giorgio AVIS, Pastorello Paolo ACLI.

The meeting was attended by the national spokesperson Vanessa Pallucchi, the president of the Monte Foundation Pierluigi Stefanini, the councilor Federico Amico and Erica Capasso of Anci Emilia-Romagna.

“We have carried out important co-programming work with the Region in recent years, making concrete the regional law on the Third Sector that the Region approved on 13 April 2023. The Forum has been recognized as the most representative body of the Third Sector in Emilia-Romagna and the Regional Council of the Third Sector was established”, commented Spokesperson Alberani on the sidelines of the meeting.

It is also important to remember that 9 provincial forums regularly registered with the Runts are operational in Emilia-Romagna and aim to be the representative bodies of the Third Sector in the various provinces.

“The challenges that await us are many, first of all the fight against the emergence of inequalities and demographic changes in a climate of heavy cuts to the welfare system. The activities carried out in the fields of sport, culture, socio-health and free time by Third Sector bodies represent, for this Region, the added value for building the social cohesion essential for economic development. We are certain that by maintaining and innovating relationships with the Public Administrations we will be ready to respond to the next challenges that await us”.

33 second level entities join the Third Sector Forum of Emilia-Romagna. According to the Istat census, there are a total of 11,083 grassroots organizations in our region and over 1 million five hundred thousand members (1,583,973) and 51,279 social workers.

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