Italy 24 Press News

the new hires from the Municipality and AMTS were presented

L’Metropolitan Transport and Parking Company Catania SpAin full synergy with the Municipality of Cataniacontinues its journey renovation And strengtheningboth in terms of human resources and the vehicles and technological means at its disposal.

In fact, this morning saw the official presentation to the press and citizens of 29 new traffic assistants and of 8 drivers from the removal sector recently hired by AMTS, to even better deal with the management of parking in the Etna capital. The presentation took place in the historical headquarters of the Company, the Throw-in “R1” in via Plebiscito, where the sole administrator of AMTS, Giacomo Bellaviawith the managers Antonio Condorelli And Rosario Laudani and with the parking and commercial sector manager, Gaetano Garufotook the opportunity to underline the new investments made with the municipal administration.

Furthermore, together with the new human resources, they were also presented 6 new tow trucks for car removal, 20 new scooters supplied to AMTS personnel e 5 new devices Of street control supplied with the Company’s vehicles.

“This is a further important investment that AMTS has made in synergy with the Municipality of Catania, which allows the Company to manage the parking sector in the city in an even more technological way and with new operational units – said the sole administratorGiacomo Bellavia. – Once again, the hiring took place very quickly and based on qualifications only, with maximum transparency and, as has already happened in the past, making Catania a national model to follow in this sense. With strengthened staff and new technological means we will be able to make our important contribution to the municipal administration and the local police not only for the management of parking on the blue lines, but also in combating all those infringements provided for in article 12 bis of the Highway code, such as parking at pedestrian crossings or in double rows. These new investments and upgrades are in addition to those already made some time ago, such as the smart parking meters, already installed in the city’s car parks”.

If on the one hand, therefore, AMTS personnel will also be able to move with two-wheeled vehicles to control parking in Catania, on the other hand the vehicles equipped with street control will be able to take advantage of the latest generation electronic equipment, directly connected to the general database of the Companywhich will allow staff to verify whether or not the cars are parked correctly.

Finally, an important contribution to re-establish criteria of legality in the Etna capital and a more peaceful coexistence between citizens, tourists, private vehicles and public transport. A contribution that is directly connected to the broader project, already implemented some time ago, of SmartParkmade with EU Pon Metro fundswith the contribution of Community policies of the Municipality of Catania, which allows, thanks to smart parking metersthe citizen to pay for parking more quickly and the company to verify its correctness in a very short time.

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