Italy 24 Press News

Ragusa, the project for the supervision of burnout continues at the Municipality

The Municipality of Ragusa, leader of the Social-Healthcare district 44, in planning collaboration with the “F. Stagno D’Alcontres” and the Sol.Co. Consortium. – Sicilian business network, launched last December, with Pnrr funds, a three-year “supervision” path of workers in the social welfare and educational sectors, aimed at supporting listening, sharing and improving skills, relational and organizational dynamics.

There are 38 social workers from the District Municipalities and affiliated bodies and 59 educators and administrators participating in the project, which aims to strengthen services by preventing burnout resulting from stress and organizational difficulties.

The co-planning between the District and the Municipality of Ragusa, “F. Stagno D’Alcontres” and Consorzio Sol.Co. made it possible to launch three supervision interventions: for teams of social workers; individual for the social workers themselves; for multi-professional teams that include municipal nursery staff and administrative figures.

At the end of June, the first phase of supervision of the multi-professional team is completed – 5 groups, from 10 to 14 participants each – with five cycles of meetings coordinated by the School for Social Workers. The activity was conducted by long-experienced professionals, by Dr. Tonino Solarino, psychologist and psychotherapist, to prof. Tindaro Bellinvia, sociologist of the University of Messina, from Dr. Giovanna Criscione, former MIM inspector, to Dr. Angela Rapicavoli, teacher and pedagogist, and the supervision in the juridical-legal and trade union field by the lawyer is about to end . Paolo Giampiccolo, councilor of the Order, and of the profs. Graziella Perticone and Salvatore Valenza of FLC-CGIL.

In parallel, the first phase of group and individual professional supervision was carried out, coordinated by the Sol.Co Consortium. and conducted by social worker supervisors with a specific qualification obtained from the Erickson Study Center and many years of experience in the field of professional Social Service, in the Public Administrations, Dr. Francesco Di Mauro, Dr. Marta Concetta Barbagallo and Dr. Gina Occhipinti.

A mixed participatory approach was favored, which saw figures with different organizational roles come together to address problems and seek, with the help of experts, new ideas and solutions, an approach that will also be confirmed in the second phase scheduled to start at the end of September 2024.

“The project was able to count – states Elvira Adamo, councilor for social services of the Municipality of Ragusa – on the full synergy between the promoters, on the quality and experience of the supervisors and on the “inexhaustible” motivation of the participants, whom I thank, to enhance their role by seeking to improve their working lives and, in perspective, also that of the users of the socio-educational services of the entire Social-Health District 44″.

The three lines of intervention draw on the resources of the EU Pnrr, Mission 5 “Inclusion and cohesion”, Component 2 “Social infrastructures, families, communities and third sector”, Subcomponent 1 “Social services, disability and social marginality”, Action 1.1 .4- “Strengthening social services and preventing burnout among social workers”.

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