Italy 24 Press News

President Benedetto jokes about it: “Legnano football has passed from the hands of God to those of a GIP”

While during the day, after a visit by president Benedetto to the headquarters, rumors circulated about the name of the possible new lilac coach (rumors which have not found any confirmation worthy of mention), the lilac patron has once again made himself known, renewing an enviable optimism. A style that always remains identical, that of the Piedmontese manager, even if time is increasingly running out, to give substance to the dreams of a registration in Eccellenza and even more so to those of a repechage in Serie D.

First of all Blessed with an “exclusive” statement to our newspaper reiterates that he has full powers in the company and that “I am evaluating with the Law Firm of Avv. Pipitone how to exercise these powers and how to act for the good of the Club. It is very difficult, but we must try. As long as there is lilac, there is hope! June 28th will be my birthday and the best gift would obviously be the release of the AC Legnano shares.”

Legnano football, president Benedetto remains with only one “collaborator”, Emiliano Montanari

“Unfortunately – continues the president, taking up our consideration on the role, perhaps still active, of Emiliano Montanari –, my only collaborator, as you define him director, has never been very collaborative. However, also in light of what is emerging in the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, we are confident about the registration and there could also be a readmission”.

“Give me one last comment – ​​concludes President Benedetto ironically, recalling the seizure of company shares by the court of Alessandria -. Legnano passed from the hands of God to the hands of a GIP…”.

Legnano Calcio Heading for Failure? “We Have No Choice but to Ask Allah for Advice”

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