Italy 24 Press News

Attempted murder in the popular streets of northern Turin, two twin brothers and their father arrested – Turin News

They had tried to kill Sunny T., 43 year old Nigerian, in the courtyard of the public housing in Borgo Vittoria. An attempted murder over a drug debt. Sunny, pusher who supplied the popular via Sospello (and not only that) he ended up in hospital but luckily he got away. Now, seven months after that ambush, the Smobile squad of Turin, after an investigation coordinated by the Prosecutor’s Office, carried out a precautionary custody order in prison against four Italians, seriously accused of attempted murder among themselves. Arrests made after analysis of the video surveillance of the area and subsequent technical activities. Among the four arrested, two are twin brothers and one is their father. The motive, Sunny T. previously accrued drug debts to them.

Furthermore, against two of the four suspects, in addition to serious indications of guilt gathered in relation to the attempted murder, evidence also emerged for possession and sale of two kilos of cocainewhich is why they will also have to answer for detention for the purpose of dealing in narcotic substances. Three of those arrested were caught in Turinnear their homes, while the fourth was near the central station of Bologna, on board a bus headed towards southern Italy. The investigating judge, in the application order of the precautionary measure in prison, recognized the existence of serious indications of guilt.

After being hit and having reported numerous deep stab wounds to his trunk and abdomen, Sunny T. was taken to San Giovanni Bosco by 118. Ssubjected to surgery, i doctors had removed his spleen, hospitalizing him for a long period.

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