Italy 24 Press News

the Municipality of Latina entrusts the task to Romagnoli, Femia and Ranieri

The architects Francesco Romagnoli and Alfonso Femia and the engineer Emilio Ranieri will be the professionals appointed by the Municipality to plan the historic core of the city of Latina. The three professionals were selected by the Urban Planning sector following an expression of interest. This was announced by the municipal administration.

“The determination signed by the manager of the service, the architect Paolo Cestra, represents – declared the mayor Matilde Celentano – a turning point for rethinking the historic center as a whole, following the objectives we have set ourselves to make Latina a city capable of opening up to the future, strongly privileging its roots and its identity”. “For the first time – added the councilor for Urban Planning Annalisa Muzio – a municipal administration has taken on the responsibility of deciding on the planning of the foundation nucleus which has been studied so far and never materialised. With the expression of interest, the task of drafting a general design proposal for the historic center was given, including everything that exists within the so-called red zone and which until now has never had an overall design , organic and integrated”.

“The general intervention on the historic center – specified councilor Muzio – goes hand in hand with the imminent restyling of the current pedestrian area. Through the work of this group of professionals we can finally revitalize the whole area, systematize the roads, promote the use of public spaces, encourage the redevelopment of existing buildings, enhance the architectural and artistic quality of our city, which as I always like to say that it is unique among the cities of the twentieth century”. “I like to underline – concluded Celentano – that the choice fell on valid professionals, highlighting their transversality and therefore overcoming ideological barriers. These are professionals from our city, Ranieri and Romagnoli, who know the administrative machinery very well having had experience within the public administration. In the trio of professionals we have an internationally renowned architect Alfonso Femia who will give a European flavor to the project for the historic center. In the maximum efficiency that distinguishes us, the professionals in charge have already been summoned by councilor Muzio, at the Urban Planning Department, for Monday morning”.

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