Italy 24 Press News

The Criminal Chamber of Alessandria is mobilizing to stop the drama of suicides in prison

ALESSANDRIA – The numbers are becoming more and more dramatic suicides in prison. On Wednesday he was a guest in the RadioGold studios President of the Criminal Chamber of Alessandriathe lawyer Roberto Cavalloneto explain the drama that has been unfolding for some time in Italian prisons. Since the start of the year 45 prisoners they took their own lives and the number tragically increased in the hours following the interview with the President of the Criminal Chamber of Alessandria.

As reported by the sinvestigated by the Uilpa Penitentiary Police, the 46th suicide occurred in a cell of the Caltanissett prisona, where a 38-year-old man took his life. Just a few days earlier another suicide, this time in Piedmont. A boy not even 20 years old killed himself in Novara prison. He would have finished serving his sentence in August. Faced with the growing number of suicides and attempted suicides in prisons, the Criminal Chambers have mobilized throughout Italy to give voice to those who can no longer tell their story and their drama and raise awareness of the reality in which prisoners live and in which Penitentiary Police officers work every day.

Friday June 28starting from 10.30, in front of the Court of Alessandria, in Corso Crimea, sI will also hold it “Oratory marathon” organized by the Criminal Chamber of Alessandria. The goal, explained the president of the Criminal Chamber of Alessandria, the lawyer Roberto Cavallone, is also to send a message “to policy makers” and accelerate the prison system reform and especially, solutions to overcrowding in prisons.

The problem also affects the Alessandria institutions and, in particular, the San Michele prison, he explained Alice Bonivardo, Guarantor of the prisoners of Alessandria. She will also be there, together with the Guarantor of the prisoners of Piedmont, Bruno Mellano, at the “Oratory Marathon” of the Criminal Chamber of Alessandria. Every penitentiary institute is “to itself” and has different problems but overcrowding today also affects the daily life of prisoners in Alessandria, in particular those serving their sentence at San Michele. According to the Alessandria Prisoners’ Guarantor, the growing number of suicides must impose serious reflection and commitment to break an isolation which in prison is not only disciplinary but above all that of the soul, which risks causing one to sink into an abyss of solitude .

On the cover, the interview with the President of the Criminal Chamber of Alessandria, the lawyer Roberto Cavallone.

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