Italy 24 Press News

“Chain reaction? I have a hard time watching it now. I still don’t feel up to Sanremo”

To talk about his first season at L’Eredità, Marco Liorni borrows a film. A great film: An excellent year. «It was a good harvest – he tells the weekly Oggi – because the soil was already favourable. Of course, at the beginning there was a bit of awe, thinking of the greats who did it before me.” But the experience with Chain Reaction was useful, it was useful. Even though now «I have great difficulty seeing it. I only managed to watch an entire episode the other night, because I couldn’t sleep, and I must say that Pino managed to bring his style to a program that he had already done.”

Rai, all the news for next autumn: from Giletti to Morgan via Bortone, the new schedules between farewells and returns

The carreer

When he talks about his predecessors he always talks about Fabrizio Frizzi but also about Carlo Conti. And he doesn’t even forget Flavio Insinna, who «brought his story-telling skills to the Legacy». But now the appointment with L’Eredità is in November. Now Marco Liorni is working on another project.

Perhaps few people know that Marco Liorni started with the Radio, with a different name: Marco Donati. Until Tele Radio Cassia and «I started working as a proofreader for Penthouse, a monthly magazine similar to Playboy, which together with photo shoots published articles and reports by big names like Vincenzo Cerami». Then he made his video debut on the Roman broadcaster Gbr, where he was then noticed, writes the weekly Oggi, by Gregorio Paolini who was looking for new faces for Verissimo, which would start shortly thereafter on Canale 5.

The relationship with spirituality

Marco has a very strong connection with spirituality. «I am very open in this sense, I trust my instincts and the signs that I feel coming, I continually dialogue with people who are no longer here, even my family». And then he admits that he has had paranormal experiences but “I don’t talk about it”.


Last thought on the Sanremo Festival. «Every now and then I think about hosting it, and of course I would like it. With an awareness, which I have spoken about many times with Amadeus and a few days ago also with Antonella Clerici: in the end the heart of Sanremo is above all the artistic direction, then comes the fact of presenting it. And I still don’t feel up to being the artistic director of a festival. But if they called me to be a host, I would have a very specific idea.”


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