Italy 24 Press News

Bitten by a muzzleless rottweiler that was walking alone on a street in Rho. The owner risks being charged with negligent injury

He had just parked and was preparing to get out of the car when he was attacked by a large dog which bit him in the arm, causing him serious injuries: the protagonist of the misadventure was a 57-year-old from Nerviano who yesterday afternoon, 26 June, he was stopped near the intersection between via Pace and via D’Annunzio in Rho, also in the province of Milan.

The man tried to defend himself and saved himself by managing to close the car door: the dog – black and white in color and of Rottweiler breed according to the testimonies of some passers-by who witnessed the episode – he was alone and without a muzzle. After the attack he ran away.

The man was transported to the hospital under code yellow, while traffic wardens, carabinieri and police immediately set to work to trace the identity of the owner of the animal. The hunt didn’t last long: dog and owner were tracked down in the evening in another municipality in the Milan area.

Now the police will clarify the responsibilities. Attack by a dog without a muzzle can lead to charges of negligent injury and administrative fines for anyone who lets their pet roam free without a muzzle can reach up to 300 euros.

If a dog causes damage to third parties, the owner is responsible, who is then called upon to pay compensation for the damages.

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