Italy 24 Press News

Vitiligo. Fabbri: “These spots make us unique”

Yesterday was June 25th, World Vitiligo Day, and Alan Fabbri returned to show himself without make-up with his face and hands showing the clear distinctive signs of the disease on his skin.

A gesture to raise awareness of this issue which concerns around 330 thousand people throughout Italy.

“These stains are not defects but distinctive signs that make us unique” says Fabbri, immortalizing himself on social media. And he adds: “Always show yourself for what you are without fear, without thinking about what others might say or think. Because those who are not afraid to show themselves for what they are always win.”

Already two years ago, the first citizen of Este made public the illness that struck him seven years ago and, in a long post, explained how to fight prejudices: “For the first time I tried to avoid showing off my hands, especially in photos or in various interviews. The psychological impact can be devastating if you are not strong. In my case I was helped by my work position, and no one ever made me feel this condition. In general, he continued, “I have never paid attention to criticisms about my physical appearance or my clothing but I read that there are still many people who feel particularly observed or even excluded because of this skin ‘problem'”.

“These spots that I have on my hands today – he always confided in the post from two years ago – are part of me, they are part of us, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. Moral? Don’t care.”

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