Italy 24 Press News

Daspo for three minors. The punitive raids and the investigations Il Tirreno

VIAREGGIO. Kicks, punches and belts. For punitive purposes, but also for robbery. Three minors from Viareggio have been identified as allegedly responsible for at least two brutal attacks on their peers. The urban Daspo measure was taken against them, which limits the range of action of this group of kids – or it would be better to say gang – waiting, explain the carabinieri, to identify the entire group. At that point, everyone will be reported to the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office.

The offending episodes

The police have charged the three boys who were identified with two cases, among the many that have happened in recent weeks. Episodes of violence that the reporters of the Tyrrhenian they managed to document thanks also to the detailed testimonies of the families. The first happened on 7 June, when a group of about ten young people attacked five minors near the Lido di Camaiore pier. The unfortunate people, attacked by a group of peers for no apparent reason, had been hit with kicks, punches and belts. The attack was repeated in similar ways on 11 June at the Viareggio Pier, against a boy from Lucca who was forced to resort to 118 treatment. According to what was gathered from the parents’ testimonies, and reported in our newspaper, in the first case it was a raid for punitive purposes after a “wrong” response: no to the request for a cigarette. A refusal that would have unleashed the fury of the pack, to the point of making them use helmets as well as belts. In a way dramatically similar to what happened in the beating that caused the fatal injuries to Manuele Iacconi on the night of 31 October 2014. The other episode, that of 11 June, saw a 15-year-old from Lucca succumb, beaten for the purpose of robbery: he had been summoned for an alleged clarification, and then robbed of his mobile phone and wallet.

Investigations and areas

The activity of the Carabinieri – as explained in a note – «has at the moment made it possible to identify three attackers, all minors, against whom the request for an urban Daspo was also triggered. The result achieved is only the latest, in chronological order, of a long series of activities by the Viareggio police force which, in collaboration with the State Police, the Financial Police and the municipal police, have led to the reporting of numerous subjects, including minors, for assaults, thefts, damages and threats. The extraordinary service of the Carabinieri, aimed at preventing and combating the phenomenon of attacks by minors, which began in the early afternoon of Tuesday and ended in the late evening, saw the use of ten car radios, four motor vehicles, 30 carabinieri – in uniform but also in civilian clothes – dog units, all coordinated by the Company’s operations center in Viareggio”. The checks and searches carried out, continue by the Viareggio police, «made it possible to seize over 100 grams of narcotic substance in the area of ​​the Ponente pine forest while carrying out, at the same time, a massive series of checks along the entire seafront with over people, 80 cars and 16 motorbikes checked, 160 people identified. Of which around 40 were inside public establishments and in the main places where young people gathered. The military, on the basis of complaints presented to the Carabinieri by the victims of the five attacks that have occurred in Viareggio since the beginning of the year, in particular checked the areas adjacent to the Clock Tower, two bathing establishments in Passeggiata and Darsena, the Varignano district , where they subjected cars, scooters and passers-by to checks. The military’s attention was mainly focused on groups of minors in the area between Piazza Inigo Campioni, Piazza Mazzini and Viale Risorgimento, the scene of some attacks in recent months.”

It does not end here

The controls of the Viareggio Army will continue throughout the summer season also with the support of reinforcement personnel, 25 carabinieri. Including a team from the Florence Operational Intervention Company, which will arrive in Versilia from 1 July as part of the security plan coordinated by the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security, chaired by the prefect of Lucca. The military has set itself the objective of identifying all the members of the gang, to arrive at a complete picture and report all those who participated in these episodes. Events that have caused alarm among parents, worried for their children.

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