Italy 24 Press News

Sirino in transhumance in the Lucanian Val d’Agri Apennines park

Rome, 27 June. (askanews) – Passing on our thousand-year-old agricultural traditions and the healthy Italian/Mediterranean lifestyle to future generations, evaluating climate change and respecting food safety: this is the mission of “Sirino in Transumanza”, the event created by the Luigi Diotaiuti Foundation ETS, created by the award-winning chef/restaurateur Luigi Diotaiuti, originally from Lagonegro and ambassador of Italian and Lucanian cuisine in the world, who has been promoting Italy and Basilicata in the United States for over 28 years. Luigi Diotaiuti, chef and ambassador of Italian cuisine: “We are in the heart of the Mediterranean, with the Apennines that go from the Alps to Reggio Calabria and the winds from the east and west that create thousands of microclimates that allow us to have the best products in the various territories. For inimitable cuisine even when making simple spaghetti with tomato sauce.” The ninth edition was held in the Apennine Lucano Val d’Agri National Park, in the locality of La Conserva, in the Municipality of Lauria. A debate with the institutions on agriculture and the environment was also scheduled, followed by various in-depth studies on the topic. Then a day full of content, with cooking shows, ancient games for children, tastings of typical products, stands of artisan products, prize draws, live music and folk dances. Thus exalting the founding values ​​of the territory. Gianni Pittella, Mayor of Lauria “Because the territory is what belongs to us, it is the memory, the present, the future, the environment, quality productions. It is the uses, traditions and customs. What defines us and attracts us others towards us, constituting our strength”. “Sirino in Transhumance” is a project that promotes the entire territory of Lagonegro and the Sirino promontory and enhances the products of the mountains, from handicrafts to medicinal plants, as well as dances, costumes and ancient games that have almost disappeared. With the patronage of Coldiretti Basilicata, ARA Basilicata, Slow Food Basilicata, Municipality of Lauria, Proloco di Lauria, Unione Cuochi Lucani, Unione Comuni Lagonegresi and other institutions. The protagonists this time were the Podolian cows, with the caciocavallo podolico slow food presidium: Serenella Gagliardi, Slow Food: “Being a slow food presidium means keeping up an entire chain of producers who therefore maintain a sustainable local economy. But alongside the caciocavallo there they are a series of products, in a large catalog of biodiversity that slow food defends from the danger of extinction”. Returning to the “Luigi Diotaiuti ETS” foundation, an organization based in Lagonegro that promotes tourism, employment and dying customs to create food sources and sustainable income models for all, thanks also to the commitment of Luigi Diotaiuti transhumance was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity in December 2019.

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