Italy 24 Press News

Ragusa, the Risan Group (fb) celebrates 13 years of existence

The Facebook group Risan (Rete Italia Sicilia all news) is celebrating its 13th anniversary, proud of its 34,900 members.
“The group was born in 2011 as “Ras” Ragusa all news. Then seeing the success for Sicily “Rsan” Ragusa Sicilia all news. Then in the national territory with Risan. With tenacity and effort it has reached these numbers thanks to the registered members who follow us every day with passion. According to the official data provided daily by the social network, for 10 years Risan has been the most clicked group.”
This is stated by its founder and administrator, Salvo Bracchitta, who adds: 89% of members are residents of our province. The remaining 11% declared they work outside Sicily. We are also present in northern Italy, where every day we have +36% coverage. The posts written by you were +18%. Even the newspapers, which signed up, have a +12%. With the commercial spaces you entered we have arrived in Palermo and Trapani.
In addition to our province (Aragusa) Palermo d Catania, they are those that follow us. But we are also present in other provinces of Sicily with our posts.
Opening the point of 36% of northern Italy, we are present in the national territory: Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Tuscany. Members who are not registered on risan.
The programming that starts in September on Risan will be completely new. In particular focused on the Jubilee of the diocese of Ragusa and the national one in the Sicilian and diocesan territory. The Fam Ragusa and trips across the national territory are unmissable.
Salvo Bracchitta recalls that the FB group was created with “the aim of providing true information, eliminating fake news, which causes useless comments”. Finally, the founder thanks the newspapers that have shared their articles over the past 13 years. The invitation continues to be to share our group’s posts and invite your friends to join.

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