Italy 24 Press News

TPL: D’Annuntiis, Tariffs adjusted only to the inflation rate, no additional increases

(REGFLASH) Pescara, 27 June. “The provision approved yesterday by the Regional Council in relation to the tariffs of Local Public Road Transport is limited to the adjustment of the tariffs themselves to the inflation rate. The last update, also established by resolution of the Council, dates back to 25 August 2016″. This was communicated by the Transport Councilor, Umberto D’Annuntiis.

“No additional increase, therefore, has been foreseen compared to that of the inflation rate recorded from 2016 to 2024 – explained D’Annuntiis -. This, unlike what was decided in August 2016 by the D’Alfonso Council which had ordered additional increases, compared to the inflation rate, from 10 to 15%. It follows that, in the five years from 2011 to 2016 – the councilor specified – the overall increase was 39%. The adjustment, inevitable as we have all seen how the increase in energy and fuel costs has had an impact in recent years, – he continued – was structured in such a way as to have a minimal impact on users, with particular attention to the weakest ones, as can be seen from the relevant tables”.

These are minimum increases ranging from €0.05 to €0.20, depending on whether they are urban, interurban, ordinary tickets and season tickets.

“In comparison with the other Regions, which have already approved the adjustments, – underlined D’Annuntiis, – the fares approved by this Council are all below the national average which provides €1.50 for the ordinary journey compared to €1.30 for Abruzzo; €4.80 for the daily urban ticket compared to €3.20 for Abruzzo; €44.00 for a monthly nominative pass compared to €35.20 for Abruzzo. In foreseeing these tariff adjustments, which are inevitable and necessary to guarantee an increasingly efficient level of service, – concluded councilor D’Annuntiis – it was a priority to lighten the impact on the categories for which the public transport service is indispensable and vital , such as students and those over 65, as well as holders of an ISEE income of up to €10,000.00″.

To this activity must be added the considerable investment that the Abruzzo Region is making for the renewal of the vehicle fleet, which to date has led to financing the purchase of over 550 new buses for a total amount of 150 million with a consequent increase in safety and of environmental quality. Below, attached, is the table relating to the tariff update. (REGFLASH) US240627

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