Italy 24 Press News

L’Aquila: Tari remains unchanged

The Tari at the center of the L’Aquila city council: there will be no increase for 2024. The tariffs will remain those established in 2022 and also in force in 2023

But alongside this there is also the green light for the economic and financial plan for 2024 – 2025 for the management of the urban waste cycle. For the costs of providing the service for 2024 there will be an expense of approximately 14 million euros. The numbers were reeled off by the president of the Budget Commission Livio Vittorini. The Municipality will not have to resort to an extraordinary contribution to cover the costs, as happened in the past but, thanks to the Government’s intervention, the necessary allocation to cover the greater expenses and lower revenues linked to the post-earthquake has already been covered.

Then there is the whole ASM issue: the Municipality’s intention is to implement an economic and financial plan, with investments to repurchase the vehicles destroyed in the fire at the Bazzano warehouse.

The group leader of Passo Possibile Elia Serpetti proposed an amendment in favor of the hamlets and those who have or want to open businesses. “Hamlets that are at risk of depopulation, therefore” – according to the councilor – “we need tools to support them”.

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