Italy 24 Press News

he saved and adopted two thousand dogs. The last one a few days ago

In his entire life there was no battle that he didn’t win to save his beloved dogs, but he lost the most important one: for his life. Sara Battipaglia, the dogsitter originally from Nocera Inferiore who became famous for her iron will to save the lives of sick dogs, has passed away: he saved at least two thousand. Sara was 43 years old and had been fighting a devastating cancer for some time that had taken away her hearing and the use of one leg, but even from the hospital ward in Salerno she continued to look after her dogs.

He knew he had little time to live and had made an unusual bet with the friends who helped him: find homes for the last 40 dogs he had in foster care. She made it: the last one was adopted a few weeks ago. News of his passing is spreading quickly. Many messages of pain published on her social page. Throughout her life Sara was moved by a passionate love for animals, those in bad shape, sick and abandoned. He picked them up on the street and loaded them into a dilapidated Smart car, fixed them up and had them adopted. «I will remember you like this, always smiling and ready to run for the animals. We will see you again in their eyes. Hi Sara”, writes the well-known animal rights activist Nicola Campomorto.

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