Italy 24 Press News

Tax evasion, seizure of 1 million from a professional

The Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Latina, delegated by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Latina, executed a preventive seizure order issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations, Dr. Giuseppe Molfese, of the Court of Latina, following a complex investigation into serious cases of tax evasion. The investigation, directed by Dr. Giuseppe Miliano, involved a local professional, accused of having evaded large sums of money through various companies distributed across the national territory.

According to the reconstructions of the Guardia di Finanza, the professional failed to declare the compensation received to the tax authorities, as confirmed both by the judicial police investigations and by the tax audits carried out for the years 2018 and 2019. The investigations, which included checks in the area and cross-analysis of bank data revealed undeclared incomes of over two million euros and unpaid VAT of more than 400,000 euros.

In light of this evidence, the judicial authority asked the Judge for Preliminary Investigations for a preventive seizure aimed at the direct and equivalent confiscation of the goods and money obtained illicitly. The seizure order carried out by the Financial Police concerned five vehicles, personal bank accounts and a villa in Sperlonga.

Although the professional is still presumed innocent until the conclusion of the trial, he was referred to the Judicial Authority for unfaithful declaration for VAT and direct tax purposes, in violation of Article 4 of Legislative Decree 74/2000. This article sanctions those who, while submitting tax returns, fraudulently remove significant tax bases from the treasury.

The operation underlines the commitment of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Financial Police in recovering the evaded sums and in combating the most insidious forms of tax evasion, protecting the resources of the State and citizens.

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