Italy 24 Press News

Tight controls in Catania, “ghost” houses used as drug dealing squares and commercial activity suspended

Checks in Catania

Two integrated territorial control actions have been carried out in recent days by State Police officers in the San Cristoforo neighborhood. The activity is part of the ordinary control and dynamic patrol services of the city’s streets and squares to ensure public order and safety, preventing and combating forms of predatory crime and widespread illegality.

The control actions, coordinated by the agents of the “Central” public security police station and the “San Cristoforo” police station, as part of a now consolidated module called Integrated Territorial Control, took place on different days and at different times. to make checks more incisive and unpredictable. Evening and morning services, aimed at controlling those streets and squares in the city centre, where critical issues occur most and which require greater attention from the police.

The extraordinary control action of the territory took place through a device that saw some crews from the Crime Prevention Department, anti-drug dog units of the Police Headquarters, the X Mobile Department, together with the Local Police.

The vast control action was also carried out with the support of the helicopter of the V Flight Department of the State Police, stationed in Reggio Calabria. The aircraft made it possible to monitor the entire city from above and in particular the areas of operations, constantly monitoring, at low altitude and inch by inch, the places where the patrols set up numerous control posts and targeted inspection activities, even of commercial establishments.

During the services, at the disposal of the Police Commissioner, the activity of a public establishment in via della Concordia was temporarily suspended, with the simultaneous closure of the premises for 7 days, according to the prerogatives of the art. 100 of the Consolidated Law on Public Safety.

In particular, State Police officers monitored the place, finding numerous criminals among the frequenters. Therefore, having completed the investigative activity carried out by the Administrative Police Division of the Police Headquarters, the Police Commissioner issued the provision with the aim of guaranteeing the legitimate aspirations to live in a safe community, where one can carry out one’s activities in an orderly manner and constitute a guarantee for all those economic activities that comply with the rules.

Fire brigade personnel also intervened to help the police in order to dismantle iron structures placed to protect some homes believed to be places where crimes were committed, with particular reference to drug dealing. The houses looked abandoned and uninhabited, but in reality they were real indoor drug dealing squares with iron doors that protected the entrances. Inside, the rooms were set up with material for packaging drugs and also had microcameras used for surveillance of the drug dealing house so as to also prevent the arrival of the police forces.

During the checks, the Flying Squad officers carried out several searches which revealed 200 grams of marijuana and 100 grams of cocaine, the latter already divided into doses ready for dealing. The narcotic substances were found inside a scooter, completely abandoned, and inside disused homes, so-called “ghost homes”, i.e. dilapidated structures whose owners are not identifiable and often used as temporary storage to hide drugs .

Overall, over 200 people were checked, 48 of whom had criminal records, as well as 102 vehicles, with numerous violations of the Highway Code reported, especially due to the lack of insurance coverage and periodic inspection.

A 47-year-old man from Catania was reported to the judicial authorities for theft of electricity with direct connection to the public grid.

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