Italy 24 Press News

Bonarrigo is the new CISL FP Ragusa Siracusa secretary, he will replace Passanisi –

The general council of the CISL federation representing public employees, convened in Ragusa, elected Mauro Bonarrigo as general secretary.

Present were Angelo Marinelli, member of the national CISL FP secretariat, the secretary of CISL FP Sicilia, Daniele Passanisi, and Vera Carasi, confederal secretary of CISL Ragusa Siracusa. The newly elected secretary, already a member of the general secretariat, takes over the leadership of the CISL Fp Ragusa Siracusa from Daniele Passanisi who has moved on to the regional summit of the federation. Bonarrigo will be joined by Sandra Farruggio, confirmed in the role of territorial secretary, and by Andrea Milici, who will be the new member.

Bonarrigo, employee of the ASP of Syracuse, has long held the delegation for Healthcare, the sector in which he grew up and was trained as a trade union, distinguishing himself for his high competence and ability to discuss and resolve high-level issues but also for the constant presence and willingness to listen to workers.

“I thank the CISL FP for the trust placed in me and all the members of the general council who voted for me – declares Bonarrigo – recognizing that I have a delicate and highly responsible role of representation, which requires diplomatic ability and authority at the same time.

“I wish good work to Mauro and the new secretariat and I am sure – underlines Daniele Passanisi – that, together with the entire management group, they will carry forward a project of relaunch and renewal in the name of continuity.

CISL Fp, CISL Ragusa Syracuse, Mauro Bonarrigo, Passanisi, CISL secretary, Ragusa union

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