Italy 24 Press News

Guardia di Finanza Trapani, the celebrations for the 250th anniversary

TRAPANI – The provincial command of Trapani celebrated in recent days, outside the Paolo Clementi barracks in via Torrearsa, the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Financial Policewith a ceremony attended by the prefect of Trapani, as well as the highest civil, military and religious authorities of the province of Trapani.

On the occasion of the celebration, the provincial commander of the Guardia di Finanza of Trapani, Geremia Guerciadelivered moral rewards to the soldiers employed by the departments of this provincial command who distinguished themselves in brilliant service operations concluded in the last year.

During the short ceremony it was also read the message from the President of the Republic and the special agenda of Commander General Andrea De Gennaro. The ceremony then concluded with the recitation of the Financier’s Prayer.

As has also happened in recent years, the anniversary was an opportunity for summarize the operational results achieved in the last year and a half by the Corps departments operating in the province of Trapani, giving priority to the various law enforcement actions.

The action of the Fiamme Gialle, in fact, focused above all on fight against tax evasion, avoidance and fraud; the fight against crimes in the sector of the protection of public spending; the battle against organized crime and offenses in economic-financial matters.

Some examples. In 2023 and in the first five months of 2024, the Trapani Provincial Command carried out over 6,000 inspections and approximately 300 investigations for combat economic-financial crimes and the infiltration of crime into the economy: a commitment to protect families and businesses, destined to further intensify to guarantee the correct allocation of the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The inspection activities made it possible to identify 115 total tax evadersi.e. carrying out business or self-employment activities completely unknown to the tax authorities and with an ascertained net taxable base subtracted from taxation equal to approximately 35 million euros, while a total of 91 employers were reported for having employed 224 “off the books” or “irregular” workers.

The subjects reported for tax crimes there are 74, of which three are under arrest. The value of the assets seized as profits from tax evasion and fraud amounts to over three million euros. A proposal has been made to terminate the VAT number and cancel the Vies database in respect of an economic entity characterized by tax risk profiles.

Controls and investigations against illegal gambling made it possible to record 55 subjects, of which 15 were reported to the Judicial Authority, as well as to proceed with the seizure of seven clandestine betting collection points. The activity in the sector of public spending protection is aimed at monitoring the correct use of national and European Union resources for the implementation of interventions to support businesses and families.

The directives given aim, as a priority, to monitor projects and investments financed with resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In this context, 94 interventions were carried out aimed at verifying citizens and businesses’ entitlement to tax credits, contributions and financing, as well as the correct execution of works and services subject to public procurement, subjecting contributions for over 6.3 to million euros and receivables for over 10.6 million euros.

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