Italy 24 Press News

Digos investigation begins

There are two episodes that occurred at the end of the electoral run-off in the city being examined by Digos agents. These are the scuffles recorded in Piazza Libertà in front of the headquarters of the electoral committee of the candidate Antonio Gengaro and the fireworks exploded under the home of former mayor Gianluca Festa, currently under house arrest. The protagonists of the fight that took place in Piazza Libertà have already been identified by police officers.

The images of videos also circulated on social media and public video surveillance cameras are being examined to reconstruct the facts. The spark in Piazza Libertà she would have been furious at the gesture of the handcuffs which was allegedly mimed by some supporters of one of the opposing sides, following the explosion of some firecrackers near the committee. There were insults and provocative gestures, which then led to physical contact with shoving. The immediate intervention of the Digos agents and the Flying Squad calmed things down and restored order. Other supporters of both sides also acted as peacemakers to prevent the situation from degenerating further. Instead, a battery of fireworks was set off under the home of former mayor Gianluca Festa in via Scandone to celebrate Laura Nargi’s victory. The Digos agents have also started investigations into this matter.

The police are therefore examining videos and images that would have captured both episodes. Some frames would also have been disclosed on social networks. Smoke bombs, explosion of fireworks batteries, blocked road are under the scrutiny of the Digos. Investigations which will be further investigated and for which a report will subsequently be sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. It is not the first time that the day of the decisive vote turns into a clash between factions, moving from the political pages to the news pages. It also happened in 2009 when the doctor Giuseppe Galasso and the lawyer Massimo Preziosi were competing for the tricolor armband. In that case, the winner was Galasso’s centre-left against Preziosi’s centre-right. On the evening of the post-counting celebrations, about ten supporters of both parties faced each other in Rione Aversa, in Valle, with kicks and punches. For some it was even necessary to seek medical treatment in hospital.

A fight that ended with the intervention of the police and several complaints received for aggravated brawling. At least this time the worst, that is, injuring someone, was avoided. But the images of the fight in Piazza Libertà, of the firecrackers lit in the midst of flowers and trees, at eye level in the main city agora and in the middle of a sunny early summer afternoon, with elderly people and children walking totally unrelated to the dispute electoral politician, they certainly did not do Avellino credit. At least those of the brawl between ultras on both sides did not go viral. Stealing the show was the other episode under investigation by the policethe tribute of some citizens under the house of the former mayor Festa under house arrest and, even more, the emotional greeting of the latter who, despite not being able to look out, took advantage of the transparency of the glass of a window to thank those who presumably they were voters of Laura Nargi, giving them the sign of the heart mimed with their hands.

A frame that some have interpreted as a sign of solidarity with the former mayor, under house arrest since April 18th. Others preferred a political reading, that of the certification of the absolute continuity between the old and future administration. Still others have compared it to the bows of the statues of saints carried in procession under the houses of Ndrangheta and Camorra bosses (the crimes alleged against Festa are not mafia-related, ed.). Whether what happened on the day of the ballot counting could turn into a new investigation or at least raise the possibility of crimes against individuals, any investigations will establish. They will certainly remain in the annals of Avellino’s political history.


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