Italy 24 Press News

34% more enrolled thanks to scholarships

L’AQUILA – It ended with the meeting of the judging commission which awarded 60 scholarships of 500 euros each to those enrolled in the first year of the CAT (former surveyors institute) of the entire region for the 2024/25 school year, the first edition of the project ‘The natural intelligence of bricks’.

A project, carried out by the ISEEA and ANCE Consortium, in collaboration with the Regional School Office, which led to an immediate 34% increase in enrollments in just one school year

“Families, to ensure a working future for their children, fill high schools with future unemployed people while construction companies cannot find specialized technicians, surveyors, designers and qualified workers who could build a profitable and fulfilling career in construction,” declared Antonio D’Intino, President of the ISEAA Consortium (for innovation in construction), yesterday at a press conference with Enrico Ricci, President of ANCE Abruzzo and the Director of the USR Massimiliano Nardocci together with the Regional Councilor for Professional Training and Education Roberto Santangelo, to the President of the College of Surveyors Giampiero Sansone, to the President of ANCE L’Aquila Gianni Frattale and to the delegate for training of ANCE Abruzzo Eliseo Iannini.

The result of the project was excellent for the Director of the USR Nardocci who praised the actions implemented by ISEAA and ANCE Abruzzo as the most successful ones adopted so far for a critical issue known for some time in the scholastic world: the enrollment gap that the technical institutes are discounted compared to high schools, so much so as to put some institutions in the internal areas of the region at risk.
Nardocci reported that he had also illustrated the results to the Minister of Education Valditara in order to replicate the intervention model in other critical sectors.

Satisfaction was expressed by Enrico Ricci who recalled how “we need to encourage a cultural change in society and reevaluate thinking with our hands and qualifying diplomas. It is very common for ignorant graduates to be produced in the face of highly talented and successful artisans and professionals. Culture is not in the type of job you do but in how you do it.”

To re-evaluate the image of construction workers, the project also financed a video communication campaign which illustrates the new technological and specialist skills of the employee profiles who go beyond the stereotype of the worker subjected to physical fatigue and dust.

The message was brought to middle schools last February and the operation will be repeated in the next school years.


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