Italy 24 Press News

Campania. Private hands on healthcare. Goose that lays golden eggs on the skin of the sick

We receive and publish a letter-complaint on the unacceptable condition of healthcare in Campania for cancer patients.

How much are the people worth? How much is a human being worth today? How much is a mother or father of a family, a child, an elderly person a fragile subject?
Probably nothing if everything moves and is achieved in the name of profit.
No longer sick, patients or hospitalized but DRG, a figure to be paid to the worker regardless of the goodness of the same.
For years now we have been witnessing, in Italy and in particular in our Region, the crumbling of public health, handed over into the hands of scoundrels with less than mediocre professional and human skills, united by one great merit: that of belonging to the stable of this or that politician, sometimes to both, like high-class whores.
But luckily there is private healthcare, oh god private…, private so to speak because it is made with public money.
Which would be like saying that Gracco is the owner of a restaurant but the state pays for the staff, the expenses and the rent.
It’s easy to be an entrepreneur like this, I put in a bit of initial capital, perhaps with the help of some local bank, then I start working, without even having to know how to cook, since the clients and patients are provided by public healthcare which is in trouble because in the meantime it has been filled with recommended people who are usually either lazy or incapable, which therefore delegates, at even lower prices, the private but affiliated structures to replace it.
In the private sector the lowest price doesn’t matter as much as the game is played on quantity, on numbers, the important thing is to throw in everything you can.
Maybe we get help from some diligent public employee who, given the long waiting lists, occasionally supports us, without officially appearing in this as in other private-affiliated clinics.
In a region where the good De Luca made sure to provide diagnostic and therapeutic services only for ten days a month, the system works great. It’s the goose that lays the golden eggs.

This is how those little monsters like the Villa Fiorita nursing home in Capua, but not only, are fed and grown.
Here the long hand of politics is not even hidden, it manages hiring, dismissals, hospitalizations and contracts.
When you’re hired, they almost ask you to sign a party card.
Everything could be fine if one small, very small detail were not overlooked: the healthcare aspect.
An old Neapolitan saying goes: YOU CAN’T FRIER OR FISH WITH WATER AND DO IT WITH DRY PUSSIES, and that’s exactly how you can’t continually pocket it without investing in quality, professionalism and user safety.

A recent question by the Honorable Muscará, precisely on Villa Fiorita, has uncovered a very smelly reality in which for years the safety of patients has been put in danger in order not to have the acoustic signals repaired for the staff being called by the patients hospitalized.
The legislation in this regard is very precise and clear, without this type of protection those rooms would not have been able to be used.
In the case of this structure, the owner had thought of buying a mobile phone and posting it in the rooms with the words “in case of need, dial the number…” without thinking about the thousand inconveniences that could have made this operation impossible, which actually happened. many times.
These facilities have not worked in this facility for years, we wonder what the ASL officials who repeatedly visited the facility checked and we would be equally curious to read those reports drawn up at the end of the inspection.

Only the complaint of a patient has exposed this and dozens of other critical issues of a structure that has been managed on a budget for years, in which the fear of contradicting the owners, especially in projects for the modernization and purchase of equipment and equipment, has created many small Yes Man , who under the threat of dismissal, (because it is not true, as the owner claims, that they have never fired anyone, we could mention names and surnames), indulge the self-destructive entrepreneurial fantasies of those who play with the safety of users and staff.
We understand that when someone asked to restore the call system in the rooms, the owner, with an annoyed expression, repeated, like a mantra, that it would take one hundred and fifty thousand euros.
Strange that it wasn’t possible to invest 150,000 euros for safety but instead they are investing in parking and their automation, which is very strange.
Strange that the safety of patients cannot be guaranteed when this would be required by 73/01.
But we should have expected this from those who, in order not to invest in equipment, are content to have a mobile phone donated for medical purposes, a second-hand, perhaps third-hand ultrasound machine, for the obstetric emergency room and other aids from doctor-benefactors, thus displaying all the possible lack of human and entrepreneurial dignity.

And we come to the chapter on Chemotherapy:
Again because our Regional Health System is what it is, many cancer patients are unfortunately FORCED to turn to private facilities for treatment.
Having sensed the deal, the owners of the Villa Fiorita nursing home dived into the cake like a bulimic, asking to be able to immediately begin providing these services, despite not possessing either the suitable professionalism available or the space.

So he occupied a small room, where an old pre-war extractor hood is located, which is used as an oncology clinic with patients and their families often sitting on the steps of a balcony as there isn’t even a real waiting room, and he commandeered a room, the infamous 132, inside the gynecology and obstetrics department, where he had eight armchairs placed for as many cancer patients, all under the vigilant control of a single nurse.

The competent offices of an ASL, that of Caserta which usually does not shine for wit and efficiency, in a resurgence of dignity, also because stimulated by newspaper articles, decided to send an inspection to the clinic to verify whether what was told actually corresponded to the truth.
It’s a shame that just thirty seconds later, a serial caller thought it best, so as not to disappoint his political sponsor, to warn the owner of the clinic or whoever of the inspection the following day.

We don’t dare think what flashed through the mind of someone who, accustomed for years to remote-controlled inspections, found herself transfixed by the shame of an unofficially announced visit.
Moments of confusion and then, on what must have been the hottest afternoon of 2024 for her, a plethora of freedmen set off and with the speed of desperation began to move people, things and equipment, close rooms, open others. , relocating patients, cleaning, polishing and printing improvised “Room Under Maintenance” signs all to ensure that when the inspection arrives everything is in order.
The politician of the moment, the official sponsor could be satisfied and so could the freedmen and obviously the landlady.
But what’s the point of being satisfied for having deceived the ASL if it is the safety of the patients that is called into question?
How can you entrust the management of healthcare to someone who is more worried about percolating an inspector instead of guaranteeing the patients entrusted to him with appropriate and optimal care and assistance?

June 26, 2024 – © Reproduction possible WITH EXPLICIT CONSENT of the CONTROPIANO EDITORIAL TEAM

Last edit: June 27, 2024, 0:05 am


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