Italy 24 Press News

a liability of 60 million euros

“In 2023, the expenditure for passive mobility, or the money that the Abruzzo Region paid to other Regions to have its citizens treated, amounts to 138 million euros. Subtracting the resources collected with active mobility, equal to 78 million, we arrive at a deficit of 60 million. These are the shocking data that emerge from a dossier created by the Regional Health Agency”.

Thus the PD deputy Luciano D’Alfonso referring to the numbers of the report published by the ASR which see Pescara as a “better” province with 16.7 percent of extra-regional hospitalizations. Worst of all are Teramo where it reaches 32.2 percent and L’Aquila with 26.4 percent. So Chieti where extra-regional hospitalizations were equal to 22.7 percent.

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Returning to the liabilities, D’Alfonso underlines how of the 60 million liabilities “over half (31 million) comes from the Teramo ASL, a good part (25 million) from the Teatro one, a smaller share (9 million) from the Pescara company, while the The only one to have a positive balance is the one in L’Aquila (5 million) thanks to the attractiveness of its structures”.

“Overall, 30,881 people from Abruzzo went outside the regional borders for treatment last year, with an emigration rate of 24.3 percent per thousand inhabitants. The differences between the four provinces are significant,” he adds, referring to the relative percentages.

“Beyond the purely economic data, it is disheartening to note that one in three people from Teramo and one in four people from L’Aquila choose to be treated outside the region. This is a clear sign of the mistrust that a large part of Abruzzo people have towards the regional healthcare system”, comments the Dem deputy.

“It will be the case that President Marsilio and the health councilor Verì, a rare case of an administrator rejected by the voters but reconfirmed in his position – he concludes -, begin to develop strategies to put a stop to this situation: the electoral campaign is over, the soap bubbles have evaporated but the accounts continue to be in the red”.

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