Italy 24 Press News

The Turin city council approves the 6.67% increase in the waste tax

TURIN – The Turin City Council approved, this afternoon, three different resolutions presented by the Council, concerning: the validation of the biennial update of the 2024-25 economic and financial plan (PEF) of the integrated waste management service, the changes to the Regulation for the application of the waste tax (TARI) e the approval of the TARI rates with related concessions. In detail, on the basis of the new tariff parameters proposed by Arera (the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment) it was the 6.67% increase in the waste tax was approved compared to the previous year, to guarantee total coverage of the costs of the service and as an adjustment to the growth of inflation and the increase in costs. However, an adjustment lower than the maximum quota that Arera estimated of 13.3% for the two-year period 2024-2025.

The concessions

There are various items regarding the benefits, for a total of almost 8 million euros. Those for families in difficulty provide for an allocation based on the ISEE parameters (up to 24 thousand euros of income) equal to 6.9 million euros, modified by an amendment by the budget councilor Gabriella Nardelli who, accepting the requests of the trade unions , has thus modified the three items: the first band, up to 13 thousand euros, goes from 40 to 45% discount; the second band, between 13 thousand and 17 thousand euros, goes from 25 to 30%; the third band, from 17 thousand to 24 thousand euros, changes the discount percentage from 15 to 20%. Another 260 thousand euros are allocated, as a reduction of up to 10% of the variable part of the tariff, to domestic users who have recorded better results in terms of increase in the percentage of separate waste collection compared to last year.

Further concessions are foreseen in favor of commercial and artisanal activities settled in those areas of the City in which public utility works are carried out and which suffer inconvenience due to the setting up of one or more construction sites for a duration exceeding six months (200 thousand euros). Furthermore: 10 thousand euros of relief are intended for premises intended for religious cults recognized by the State; 50 thousand euros in favor of non-profit organisations, social and health care foundations, social cooperatives, youth protagonism managers and neighborhood houses; 20 thousand euros for non-domestic users who give away surplus food free of charge for social solidarity purposes.

Changes to the regulation and amendments

The changes to the regulation instead concern the expansion of the subjects who can fall into the “32” category which allows them to take advantage of specific benefits. In particular, the Third Sector associations and, as expected from the entry into force of the organic sport reform in force in July 2023, all the companies that are part of the sports associations.

With an amendment, presented by the councilor of Fratelli d’Italia Ferrante De Benedictis and approved by the Chamber, the useful date for registering in the Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) and in the Register of Amateur Sports Associations (RASD or RAS) is moved from 31 December 2024 to 30 June 2025.

In addition to the three resolutions, the City Council also approved an accompanying motion, presented by all the forces of the majority, which commits the Mayor and City Council to starting a comparison with the trade unions with the aim of reviewing and improving, for next year, the discounts on TARI provided for families in situations of economic hardship. And a discussion must also be opened with traders’ associations on the hypothesis of an increase in the installments to be paid for the payment of the TARI. The document then proposes to increase controls on ISEE declarations, to avoid granting benefits to those who are not entitled to them, and to strengthen the structure responsible for recovering TARI evasion. With AMIAT, the production indices of the categories considered most critical relating to non-domestic waste will have to be updated, in particular catering establishments and commercial establishments selling food goods. The motion also asks to implement the control of abandoned urban waste and the related sanction and the possibility, for some activities, of experimenting with a specific tariff for waste collection. There is no shortage of requests for an increase in the discount for those areas of the city that obtain better results in separate waste collection (currently the discount is 10%) and for those users who behave in a virtuous manner in producing a smaller quantity of waste.

Finally, an accompanying motion presented by Lega councilor Fabrizio Ricca was rejected, which asked the Mayor and the Council not to impose further increases in tariffs and taxes until the end of the mandate.

The resolution concerning the tariffs and concessions for the year 2024 was approved with the favorable vote of the Democratic Party, the Ecologist Left, the Moderates, Torino Domani, the Civic List for Turin, the Alliance of Democrats – DemoS and the negative vote of the Lega, M5S, Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia.

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