Italy 24 Press News

The Siena hospital is also among the top 20 which attract patients from all over Italy

In the ‘backbone’ of the twenty large hospitals in Italy which guarantee the most complex treatments, attracting patients from all over Italy, there are the university hospitals of Pisa, Siena and Careggi. The ranking comes from the technicians of the Ministry of Health who selected the hospital centers with the highest number of discharges, to which a score was assigned taking into account the complexity of the cases treated (average weight of the cases of the DRG indicator, which groups the cases by diagnosis) and attractiveness of patients from other regions.

“This is a new certificate of the quality of Tuscan public health services, which can only please us and make us proud – underlines the president of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani –. The quality of a universal public health service is defended over time with adequate resources: resources to invest in health requested by all the Regions and which the Government is not currently guaranteeing adequately”.

“The scores attributed by the Ministry of Health to the three large Tuscan hospitals are a recognition of the quality of our public healthcare – comments thecouncilor for the right to health Simone Bezzini – .Above all, they are a confirmation of the extraordinary abilities of the men and women of our health system, whom we will never stop thanking for the passion and commitment they put into their work at the service of the community”. “However – he continues – this ranking cannot leave us indifferent: the hospital facilities that attract more patients from other regions and that treat more difficult cases are located in the north and center of Italy, forcing citizens of the south to move to have access to highly complex care and treatments”. “This is a gap – he concludes – that with differentiated autonomy and the lack of resources and investments by the government in public health is destined to become increasingly wider, with a consequent regression of the public and universalistic health system. We hope that Minister Schillaci’s concerns will be followed by responses in this sense, putting all regions in a position to grow services and provide appropriate responses to people’s needs”.

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