Italy 24 Press News

Exhibitions: “Transit” at the Diocesan Museum of Massa

Massa Carrara – Pontremoli

June 26, 2024 – 5.46pm

The works of Arnold Mario dall’O and Walter Moroder complete the triptych of looks at contemporary art


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The exhibition opens at the Diocesan Museum of Massa “Transit” by Arnold Mario dall’O and Walter Moroder which completes the triptych of looks at contemporary art that began last summer with Kazumasa Mizokami and continued with Dany Vescovi’s winter exhibition.

The exhibition concludes a cycle, which began last summer, in which different artists dealt with the theme of nature, a theme which inspired all the Museum’s activities over the course of the year, welcoming the suggestions offered by the second part of the ” Laudato Sì” by Pope Francis and the celebrations of the VIII centenary of the Sacred Stigmata of Saint Francis.

Furthermore, as can be seen from the evocative title, this summer’s exhibition leans towards the initiatives that the Museum will prepare as part of the upcoming Jubilee, in which the experience of pilgrimage, an external and internal journey, is always the protagonist.

With the artistic direction of Daniele Lucchesi, the exhibition will be inaugurated Saturday 29 June at 9.15pm and will remain on display until October 6th. “The transit of the title – explains the curator – alludes to a condition which, going beyond the concept of stability and that of physical and perceptive permanence, ideally adheres to a ‘nomadic’ attitude, which predisposes the artist to a dynamic, evolving observation of the reality. Both artists give painting and sculpture – spatial arts – connotations that extend to the sphere of time, inviting the use of phonemes such as duration and process.”

The summer opening hours of the Diocesan Museum until September 1st are Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 9pm to midnight, while on Fridays from 6pm to midnight. Info [email protected].

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