Italy 24 Press News

The celebrations for the 250 years of the Caserta Financial Police


Marino: “a great resource for the country, fundamental safeguard of legality for our territory”

Magliocca: “An honor and a pleasure, an opportunity to thank the Fiamme Gialle once again for their daily commitment to serving the community”

The Financial Police turns 250 years old. The 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Corps represents an extraordinary opportunity to share the founding values, “tell” a long story, testify to the daily commitment of all the Fiamme Gialle to the service of the community.

A historic institution, a great resource for the country and a fundamental safeguard of legality for our territory – said the Mayor of Caserta, Carlo Marinowho spoke this morning. – To the women and men in uniform who sacrifice themselves every day to guarantee the safety of the Caserta community, I express the feelings of gratitude of the citizens, who see the Guardia di Finanza as a very important point of reference”.

“The Financial Police – continued the mayor – It carries out invaluable work, especially in the fight against tax evasion and illicit trafficking, in the repression of organised crime and over the years it has managed to adapt brilliantly to the changes linked to technological innovation.

These celebrations represent a further opportunity to reiterate our esteem and our bond towards the Guardia di Finanza and to underline once again the extraordinary work that the Caserta Provincial Command carries out on a daily basis, directed by Colonel Nicola Sportelli, to whom a sincere thank you”.

“A very important day for all financiers because we are celebrating a very significant anniversary, that of the 250th“. The major general of the Guardia di Finanza said, Giancarlo Trotta, regional commander of Campania. An important moment for all financiers”who carry out their service every day with professionalism, with a lot of commitment and a lot of passion – adds General Trotta – for the benefit of the country“.

In the Campania region there are approximately 4600 financiers employed in the territorial departments and in the air-naval department.

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