Italy 24 Press News

Pin (Sanremo Project) “Fellegara right choice, but with Mager too many of Toti’s men” –

After the election as mayor of Alessandro Magerat the end of a ‘head to head’ that went on for several months with Gianni Rolando, and after the many comments in the last few hours, missing ‘Common Project’ to have his say.

The list, which supported Fulvio Fellegara in the first round, made a different choice from ‘Generazione Sanremo’ and the PD, deciding not to support the Matuzian lawyer in the run-off.

We asked Alberto Pin, a leading exponent of ‘Progetto Comune’, whether the list is therefore outside Fellegara’s coalition: “Absolutely not. We have left our voters free choice to vote according to their conscience. We did not have the burden of responding to extended secretariats or being pressured by party apparatus. We simply applied the principle of participatory democracy at the basis of our program accepted by the coalition led by Fulvio Fellegara. Now we will have more responsibility, despite not having managed to elect our representatives in the assembly like our PD coalition partners, in representing the real alternative”.

Fulvio Fellegara, by supporting Mager in the run-off, wanted to beat the right-wing parties. Your thoughts on the matter? “A choice that turned out to be very right. Now, however, we await Mager’s recantation regarding the former G8 minister of Genoa and President Toti, even if, looking at the images of the celebrations for Mager’s victory with the presence of Toti’s men, it makes us fear that will never come.”

Your position for possible council positions in your coalition? “It’s a situation that doesn’t warm our hearts. The voters have decided that we must remain in opposition, we believe that Fellegara’s coalition was not only important, as Mager said after the victory, but decidedly decisive and we believe it is appropriate to stick to the facts: at the moment there are no official proposals but it seems to us It’s obvious that any government positions will go to the PD and Generazione Sanremo.”

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