Italy 24 Press News

Renewables: Lombardy Region and Terna sign memorandum of understanding for a network of plants

From left: Massimo Sertori, councilor for Local Authorities and Energy Resources of the Lombardy Region, and Enrico Maria Carlini, head of Electricity System Planning and Authorizations at Terna.

There Lombardy region And Ternathe company led by Giuseppina Di Foggiahave signed a memorandum of understanding to define the operational methods of a collaboration aimed at improving the planning and localization of new electrical infrastructures in the territory and to plan in a coordinated manner the development of the works necessary to achieve the environmental and energy objectives indicated in the Regional Energy, Environment and Climate Programme. In particular, through the sharing of information and data, it will be possible to monitor requests for connection to the network of renewable plants.

According to the terms of the agreement – lasting five years – a control room will be established to address specific issues and Technical Tables will be established to regulate data exchange, consultation, management of territorial needs and regulatory simplification activities. Furthermore, thanks to TE.RRA, the new digital portal on Territory, Networks, Renewables and Storage introduced by Law 11/2024 (formerly “Energy Decree”), created and developed by Terna, an enormous information wealth will be available to national administrators and locals, legislators and developers. The TE.RRA portal, a cutting-edge institutional communication tool, was created with the aim of promoting maximum transparency on data and information, promoting rationalization and optimization actions in the planning of electricity infrastructures and, ultimately, supporting the stakeholders also involved through continuous monitoring and progress reports on the grid and the electricity system provided by Terna. Furthermore, the new platform, thanks to the digitalisation of exchange processes between entities, will also allow for the reduction of administrative times.

The Lombardy Region and Terna are committed to promoting any form of discussion and participatory planning with local administrations, stakeholders and the population in order to share the location choices of network development interventions, speed up the implementation times of the planned works, guarantee the territory an even more efficient and sustainable electricity network and, at the same time, enhance the environmental and cultural heritage.

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