Italy 24 Press News

Order of pharmacists of Caserta, the ceremony for colleagues for 40 years of career

The Order of Pharmacists of Caserta will pay homage to colleagues who have reached the milestone of 40 years of profession. The award ceremony of the “Golden Caduceus”, a prize for professional merit, will be held on Thursday 27 June 2024 at 5:30 pm at the Grand Hotel Vanvitelli, located in Viale Carlo III in San Marco Evangelista (Ce). The event, as explained by the Order, is a dutiful and affectionate recognition for pharmacists who have dedicated four decades of their lives to serving the community.

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The authorities present at the event

The award ceremony program includes, starting at 5:30 p.m., an introduction and greetings from the authorities present. Speakers will include the president of the Caserta Pharmacists’ Association, Vincenzo Buonocore, the president of the Federation of Italian Pharmacists’ Associations (Fofi), Andrea Mandelli, the president of the Cannavò Foundation and vice president of Fofi, Sen. Luigi d’Ambrosio Lettieri, the president of the National University Council, Prof. Paolo Vincenzo Pedone, and the director of the Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (Distabif) of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Prof. Antonio Fiorentino.

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