Italy 24 Press News

Taurianova, plan for the Right to Education, the council approves it well in advance

The annual municipal Plan for the Right to Education becomes reality, a necessary act which – often at the center of political controversies in the past – the Municipal Administration continues to launch with very early compared to the beginning of the school year.

The Council which met today, assisted by the general secretary Francesco Minniti, approved the relevant resolution which sets the expected expenditure at 141,801 euros that the Municipality – with its own funds or through financing obtained from other bodies – intends to ensure in the 3 sectors of intervention which substantiate the exact guarantee of the full right to education. The coverage of costs for the benefit of disabled students, the allocation of a suitable number of educators for specialist assistance as well as the timely purchase of teaching materials, are therefore contemplated in the Plan, accepting the indications that the school bodies have received from the school bodies to the Welfare sector of the Municipality.

The coordination of these needs of the individual institutes, managed by the councilor for public education and social policies, Angela Crea, it therefore forms the political part of a technical act that is always eagerly awaited especially by families with disadvantaged pupils, and what time it will have to be implemented by the local social sector of which Taurianova is the lead municipality. «We have interrupted a custom that was particularly disgraceful – mayor Roy Biasi and councilor Crea comment in a joint statement – or that of finding oneself once the school year had begun to deal with the absence of such important planning acts, with all of them the sacrosanct complaints that came both from schools and from families. We continue to act, even in this very delicate matter for the exact heritage of citizenship rights that we want to guarantee to fragile categories, intervening in time and without neglecting anything, demonstrating once again that efficiency and humanity that characterize the administrative direction of social policies. With the approved act – conclude Biasi and Crea – all the conditions are in place this year too so you don’t have to chase the emergencyto give absolute serenity to families who, by sending their children to school, must be able to count on the solid alliance with a Municipality which, by assuming its responsibilities, is ready at any time to recall those of other institutional subjects who may find themselves in arrears: we impose a high speed of travel and we demand that this path is not slowed down on the issue of the Right to Education».

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