Italy 24 Press News

Stromboli volcano, orange alert goes off: what it means

Orange alert for the Stromboli volcano. The Civil Protection ordered the transition from the yellow to the orange level at the end of the meeting with the Competence Centers and the Civil Protection Department of the Sicilian Region convened following a phase of eruption of the volcano which began on Sunday with an overflow of lava on the Sciara of Fire, frequent explosions in the southern crater area and an increase in the average amplitude of the volcanic tremor.

The passage of the alert level is based on the reports of the phenomenologies and on the hazard assessments made available by the Competence Centers which for Stromboli are the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Etna Observatory, Observatory and Section of Palermo), the Cnr- Irea and the Universities of Florence, Palermo, Pisa and Turin. Raising the alert determines the strengthening of the volcano monitoring system and the information connection between the scientific community and the other components and operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service.

The mayor of the Municipality of Lipari, who took part in the meeting, will be constantly informed on the evolution of the situation in order to guarantee constant and correct information to the population. “Regardless of the local level volcanic phenomenologies, which can have frequent variations – underlines the Civil Protection – a situation of enhanced imbalance of the volcano persists. The population present on the island is therefore invited to keep informed and to scrupulously follow the indications provided by the authorities locals”.

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