Italy 24 Press News

Pollex 2024 exercise in Civitavecchia coordinated by the Coast Guard • Terzo Binario News

The exercise called POLLEX took place this morning 2024a complex rescue, anti-pollution and fire-fighting training activity, which saw the participation of all the Commands and Bodies which, in various capacities, would be involved on the occasion of a similar real event, including the Ministry of the Environment and Safety Energy, the Fire Brigade, Ares 118, the Financial Police, the technical nautical services operating in the port of Civitavecchia (Laziali Tugs, Pilots’ Corporation, Port Mooring Group).

The Maritime Directorate of Civitavecchia – 3rd MRSC coordinated all operations following the simulated oil spill, due to a malfunction of a valve, of the “S. Fermina” of Società Petroli Investimenti SpA

The simulated accident, in addition to causing significant pollution in the waters near the platform, caused a fire, which forced two technicians to jump into the sea to save themselves from the flames.

Search and rescue operations were therefore carried out for the two technicians at sea, who were subsequently recovered by an arriving Coast Guard vessel and entrusted to the care of the 118 medical staff, who had been alerted in advance.

Once the recovery operations of the unfortunates were completed, the next firefighting phase began, which involved the local Fire Brigade Detachment. of Civitavecchia, the Sea Rock port tug, with “fire-fighting” capabilities, in addition to the nautical vehicles of the Port Authority and the Aeronaval Operations Department of the Guardia di Finanza of Civitavecchia, the latter intent on interdicting the body of water concerned throughout the course of delicate operations. The firefighting phase concluded with the intervention on the platform of a Fire Brigade team, carried there with the use of the motorboat of the local Mooring Group, equipped with all the necessary firefighting equipment and equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus.

The third and final phase of the exercise was then followed up, relating to the containment of the pollution produced and the recovery of the product spilled into the sea. Following a request for intervention from the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Safety, the MN IEVOLI SHUTTLE of the Castalia company, with specific anti-pollution capabilities, was used for the containment and subsequent recovery of the polluting product accidentally spilled into the sea.

The exercise event allowed us to test an objectively articulated and complex rescue machine, verifying the reliability of the communication channels, the readiness and speed of intervention in the event of an emergency event like the one just simulated – underlines the Captain of the Vessel Michele CASTALDO, Maritime Director of Lazio – and we have the duty to be ready by guaranteeing the coordination of the best possible professionalism and resources to optimally manage the situation.

I express my deep satisfaction to all the representatives of Authorities, Bodies and Companies who, in various capacities, contributed to the implementation of the Pollex 2024 exercise, allowing the emergency response capabilities to be tested to protect human life at sea and the environment”.

Published Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @ 17:31:17 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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