Italy 24 Press News

Tuscany, a 2 million tender for the training of agricultural entrepreneurs

Florence, 25 June 2024 – Un 2 million euro tender about for the training of agricultural entrepreneurs in Tuscany. It is announced there Tuscany region. The call, which has just been released, explains a note, supports the training and professional updating of the recipients, also in synergy with each other, through group and individual activities such as courses, company visits, practical sessions, exchanges of professional experiences, coaching. The activities will focus on issues connected with the general objectives of the 2023-2027 CAP with particular attention to the most recent research results and innovations. The support granted is 100% of the eligible expenditure and the maximum amount of public contribution per project is equal to 250,000.00 euros. Applications can be submitted on Artea from 1 July to 1pm on 30 September. “For quality rural development – underlines the President of the Region Eugenio Giani – further responses to the needs of businesses are needed, respecting our territory. And the training offered by this tender, which puts innovation and modernization first , goes in this direction.” For the vice-president of Tuscany and councilor for agri-food Stefania Saccardi“this intervention pursues the transversal objective of the European regulation of modernization of agriculture and rural areas, through better access to research, innovation, knowledge exchange and training, and encourages the sharing of activities and digitalisation , as well as being closely connected in functional terms with the other interventions of the Tuscany Rural Development Complement”.

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