Italy 24 Press News

Vittoria tragedy, autopsies performed. Small signs of hope for Kemal and Omaima

Small signs of hope from the conditions of father Kemal, 57 years old, and his youngest daughter Omaima, 19 years old, burned alive together with the rest of the family, by his thirty-year-old son Wajdi on June 13th. This morning, meanwhile, the task was given to carry out the autopsy examination on the bodies of the victims, their mother Mariam, 55 years old, and her sister Samah, 34 years old, who died a few hours after the incident. The medical examiner appointed by the deputy prosecutor at the Ragusa Public Prosecutor’s Office, Martina Dall’Amico, is Dr. Giuseppe Algieri, while the defense of Wajdi, assumed ex officio by the lawyer Giovanni Ascone, has appointed the medical examiner as consultant Giuseppe Iuvara.

The autopsies

After the assignment of the task, the examination began at the mortuary of the Vittoria cemetery where the body of the young Samah, who died in Catania, also arrived. She had been transferred there, already in desperate conditions with over 70 percent of her body devastated by the flames; her mother had died in Vittoria a few hours after the dramatic event, in Vittoria hospital. The autopsy will also have to ascertain the presence of any traces of the flammable liquid with which the young man started the fire. The only sister who remained unharmed, because she was busy with university studies outside the region, is represented by the lawyer Italo Alia. The deadline for delivery of the autopsy results was set at ninety days.

At the end of the autopsy investigations and findings, the bodies will be handed over to the family. As far as is known, the Tunisian consulate will bear the costs of the funeral and the repatriation of the remains. The only sister left unharmed, she has nothing left, the house was destroyed. The young woman who returned to Vittoria as soon as she learned of the tragedy (she is a university student working outside the region) is hosted by family friends. A friend of the girl started a subscription on the gofundme platform which to date has raised over 8,500 euros and another fundraiser promoted by Omaima’s class; the girl would have had to take the final exam at the Mazzini linguistic high school in Vittoria in recent days.

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